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Setting an env var with spaces in it

Date2007-07-24 20:20
SubjectSetting an env var with spaces in it
On my Windows system (5.06d) say I want SSDIR to be at (e.g.)

C:/Documents and Settings/me/My Documents/Personal/Studio stuff/Csound files
2.0GB/CD 3 Csound Catalog/catalog_samples

but if I try to add that to the  clause or in .csoundrc this way

--env:SSDIR="{the string above}"

csound complains about the spaces in the string. I've tried it with single
quotes, # #, and haven't found a solution. 

If I run csound out of the command line, I can use the DOS SET command to
paste that path in

SET SSDIR={the string}

and csound finds the files it's looking for OK. Also, if I use csound5gui I
can put paths in the SFDIR/SSDIR/etc boxes in the Configure window
Environment tab, but of course this doesn't propagate back to the main

Any ideas for me?

Thanks kindly!

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Setting-an-env-var-with-spaces-in-it-tf4138111.html#a11770064
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Date2007-07-27 18:01
From"Steven Yi"
SubjectRe: Setting an env var with spaces in it

Date2007-07-27 18:16
SubjectRe: Setting an env var with spaces in it
Thanks for the suggestion, Steven. Escaping the spaces didn't seem to work.
But I used CSound Editor to change every space to '%20' and lo and behold!
that did work....so even though it make not look the most elegant the point
is that now I can set SSDIRs and SFDIRs in my csds. 

My experiment was to use Spjut's FM_Example program, which requires a file
Hamlet.aif which on my system is in "C:\Documents and Settings\music\My
Documents\Personal\Studio stuff\Csound files 2.0GB\CD 3 Csound


          instr     11 ;FM SCI-FI VOICE EXAMPLE
a1        soundin   "Hamlet.aif"
a3        line      0,p3,0.4            ; MODULATION INDEX
a2        oscil     10000,256-a3*a1,1   ; MODULATE
          out       a2

f1 0 4096 10 1 ;SINE TABLE
i11 0 22

Hi Rasputin,

Have you tried using \ before every space, so something like:

--env:SSDIR="c:/Documents\ and\ Settings/me/My\ Documents..."

Not sure that will work but could do it.


View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Setting-an-env-var-with-spaces-in-it-tf4138111.html#a11833278
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Date2007-08-01 20:33
SubjectRe: Setting an env var with spaces in it
Well, something is awry here. I thought I had this working, but haven't been
able to since....I have been trying to set SFDIR/SSDIR in .csd files or
.csoundrc and I can't get them to work when using long paths like that
below. That is, if I put in  something like


that works, but not if I use something like 


It doesn't give an error; just fails to find the needed files (either trying
to read by soundin, GEN01)

I think this is an error and am going to enter it into sourceforge.

Thanks for the suggestion, Steven. Escaping the spaces didn't seem to work.
But I used CSound Editor to change every space to '%20' and lo and behold!
that did work....so even though it make not look the most elegant the point
is that now I can set SSDIRs and SFDIRs in my csds. 

My experiment was to use Spjut's FM_Example program, which requires a file
Hamlet.aif which on my system is in "C:\Documents and Settings\music\My
Documents\Personal\Studio stuff\Csound files 2.0GB\CD 3 Csound


          instr     11 ;FM SCI-FI VOICE EXAMPLE
a1        soundin   "Hamlet.aif"
a3        line      0,p3,0.4            ; MODULATION INDEX
a2        oscil     10000,256-a3*a1,1   ; MODULATE
          out       a2

f1 0 4096 10 1 ;SINE TABLE
i11 0 22

Steven Yi wrote:
> Hi Rasputin,
> Have you tried using \ before every space, so something like:
> --env:SSDIR="c:/Documents\ and\ Settings/me/My\ Documents..."
> Not sure that will work but could do it.
> steven

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Setting-an-env-var-with-spaces-in-it-tf4138111.html#a11952328
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Date2007-08-01 22:36
From"Steven Yi"
SubjectRe: Setting an env var with spaces in it

Date2007-08-01 23:08
SubjectRe: Setting an env var with spaces in it
Thanks, Steven; I forgot that | more works on WinXP too..

Yes, it does appear to absorb the entire string. 

Trimming out the non-relevant parts: csound first appears to set the various
ENV variables to the current directory:

decode_long expression-opt
UnifiedCSD:  toot08.csd
Environment variable 'SADIR' has been set to 'C:\Documents and
Documents\Personal\Studio stuff\Csound files 2.0GB\My CSound Projects'
Environment variable 'SSDIR' has been set to 'C:\Documents and
Documents\Personal\Studio stuff\Csound files 2.0GB\My CSound Projects'
Environment variable 'INCDIR' has been set to 'C:\Documents and
 Documents\Personal\Studio stuff\Csound files 2.0GB\My CSound Projects'
Environment variable 'MFDIR' has been set to 'C:\Documents and
Documents\Personal\Studio stuff\Csound files 2.0GB\My CSound Projects'

then it encounters the  clause:

Creating options
Environment variable 'SSDIR' has been set to
Creating orchestra

whereas if I leave spaces in the env argument it just stops parsing at the
first one:

decode_long env:SSDIR="C:\Documents
Environment variable 'SSDIR' has been set to '"C:\Documents'
argc=6 Additional string "Documents\Personal\Studio"

So since SSDIR got set wrong, of course it won't find my files.
I submitted this as a bug on the soundforge csound page.  But if there's any
kind of workaround I will be delighted to hear about it!

Thanks again, Steven.


Could you use -v when running csound and see if what you set is what
csound got?  I wonder if there is a problem with the length of the
string.  With -v, you'll probably want to run it like:

csound -v myfile.csd | more

it should tell you what the SSDIR is set to.


View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Setting-an-env-var-with-spaces-in-it-tf4138111.html#a11954895
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.