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Re: [Cs-dev] bformdec 8-ring

Date2007-07-12 18:16
From"Art Hunkins"
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] bformdec 8-ring
I am very confused, and it may well be at least partly on the conceptual

I'm trying to understand the bformdec documentation. It describes speaker
placement, for quad, as starting at right front and running clockwise to
left front. It also references degrees (on a unit circle), with straight
ahead being zero degrees and degrees moving clockwise through 360. I think I
understand this so far. (No reference is made to angles; since I am
math-challenged, I would like to leave them out of the discussion.)

If one is dealing with quad output from bformdec:
a1, a2, a3, a4 bformdec

the output options seem to be:
1) outq a1, a2, a3, a4
requiring verbal explanation of what this actually means in terms of speaker
placement (as in "channel 1 is RF, channel 2 is RR" etc.; or

2) outq a4, a3, a1, a2
reinterpreting bformdec's output in terms of normal quad speaker/channel
terminology - which (if I understand correctly) is LF = 1, LR = 2, RF = 3,
RR = 4.

I've less idea what such a reinterpretation might be for 8-channel circular
mode. I've made the assumption (which certainly needs explanation to the
"user") that the (normal?) counting of channels procedes in stereo pairs
from front to rear. Assuming this, the output line would read:
2) outo a8, a1, a7, a2, a6, a3, a5, a4

I'd much appreciate being shown the error of my assumptions and thinking.
There's either something wrong with my thinking, or with bformdoc, because -
as I mentioned before - I'm not getting expected results with either quad or
8-channel bformdec. Using my test file, there is no speaker arrangement in
which get a clear circular movement through 360 degrees. The placement is
simply wrong, particularly in the range from 90 - 270 degrees. (I'm
depending principally on strong aural and visual LED evidence in a quad

Victor is happy; I'm not.

And I'd still like to try out john ff's proposed bformdec, if there's any
way to do so.

Art Hunkins

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Victor Lazzarini" 
To: "Developer discussions" 
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 10:10 AM
Subject: [Cs-dev] bformdec 8-ring

> Dear all,
> I just ran the bformdec using the 8-ring setup in the studio and
> as I said before here it works as expected. The speaker positions
> are as follows:
> bformdec out                    speaker pos (degrees)
> 1                               22.5
> 2                       67.5
> 3                       112.5
> 4                       157.5
> 5                       202.5
> 6                       247.5
> 7                       292.5
> 8                       337.5
> Angles are measured counterclockwise from the right,
> so right -> 0, front ->90,  left ->180 and back 270.
> Victor
> Victor Lazzarini
> Music Technology Laboratory
> Music Department
> National University of Ireland, Maynooth
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