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[Cs-dev] New York Csound Users Group Meeting Tomorrow

Date2007-06-07 02:39
From"Michael Gogins"
Subject[Cs-dev] New York Csound Users Group Meeting Tomorrow
The New York Csound Users Group is meeting:

Tomorrow, Thursday June 7th, at 8 PM
Michael Gogins
150 West 95th Street
Apt. 4-D (buzzer may not work -- phone from your cell or from the corner)
212 222 4079

Anyone interested in Csound, computer music, or electroacoustic music is 
welcome to come to share a piece, hear pieces, ask for help with a problem, 
share a solution, or just talk about Csound, computer music, electroacoustic 
music, and so on.

Please email the list or myself at gogins@pipeline.com if you are planning 
to come.


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