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a history of Csound

Date2006-05-28 21:45
FromVictor Lazzarini
Subjecta history of Csound
I would like to collect information about the history of
Csound. I thought I'd like to improve the wikipedia
article. Do we have dates and versions for the Bath releases
anywhere?  And previous to these, when was Csound made
available at cecelia.media.mit.edu? Which versions?

Thanks for any information you might have.


Date2006-05-30 13:07
From"Michael Rhoades"
SubjectRe: a history of Csound
Hello Victor.

This sounds like a great idea. I am generally not much of a history buff,
but the history of Csound is highly interesting to me. 

I have a very old Csound manual from the mid eighties, I think. I will check
the version and date and get back with you. 

Take care,



> -----Original Message-----
> From: victor.lazzarini@nuim.ie [mailto:victor.lazzarini@nuim.ie]
> Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2006 4:46 PM
> To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
> Subject: [Csnd] a history of Csound
> I would like to collect information about the history of
> Csound. I thought I'd like to improve the wikipedia
> article. Do we have dates and versions for the Bath releases
> anywhere?  And previous to these, when was Csound made
> available at cecelia.media.mit.edu? Which versions?
> Thanks for any information you might have.
> Victor
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