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csound and colinux

Date2006-05-28 16:18
FromMatti Koskinen
Subjectcsound and colinux

I needed a faster computer and winxp for preparing my photographic show. 
The show was success and I'm already planning another. For that I want 
to create sounds and music, preferrably placing some sort of movement 
detectors , so the music will change when person moves from one picture 
to another. And being accustomed to use linux for sound generating, I 
tried to install several linuxes on this new hp. Nothing, except colinux 
works, all others have problems with scsi or usb or the fact the 
processor being 64-bit one. Colinux works under winxp, and it seems to 
do what I've used to in fc4, except sound. Sound playing is a hack, it 
must be routed to winxp running cygwin-esd, but directing sound from 
esdplayer to winxp works nicely. Now I'm concerned about how to play in 
real-time from csound, as colinux, running under windows, can't have 
soundcard modules installed. As I know there's jack-output, could this 
be hacked to stream via tcp to esd in winxp? Or is it possible to write 
sound to stdout and pipe to esdplayer? I know I can run csound in winxp 
and cecilia works too, but being a die-hard linux fan for 10 years, it's 
not that easy to get used to doing things in winxp. (Except that 
photographical software works much better in winxp).

thanks for any hints


Date2006-05-29 15:07
FromAndres Cabrera
SubjectRe: csound and colinux
Hi Matti,
It seems to me you are doing things the hard way. Maybe you should keep
trying other linuces, until you find one which can support jack and
works on your system. I'm not sure if this helps, but have you tried
installing a 32-bit linux?
Also if nothing else works, maybe it's worth getting jack to work on
colinux rather than doing all those strange things...

On Sun, 2006-05-28 at 18:18 +0300, Matti Koskinen wrote:
> hi,
> I needed a faster computer and winxp for preparing my photographic show. 
> The show was success and I'm already planning another. For that I want 
> to create sounds and music, preferrably placing some sort of movement 
> detectors , so the music will change when person moves from one picture 
> to another. And being accustomed to use linux for sound generating, I 
> tried to install several linuxes on this new hp. Nothing, except colinux 
> works, all others have problems with scsi or usb or the fact the 
> processor being 64-bit one. Colinux works under winxp, and it seems to 
> do what I've used to in fc4, except sound. Sound playing is a hack, it 
> must be routed to winxp running cygwin-esd, but directing sound from 
> esdplayer to winxp works nicely. Now I'm concerned about how to play in 
> real-time from csound, as colinux, running under windows, can't have 
> soundcard modules installed. As I know there's jack-output, could this 
> be hacked to stream via tcp to esd in winxp? Or is it possible to write 
> sound to stdout and pipe to esdplayer? I know I can run csound in winxp 
> and cecilia works too, but being a die-hard linux fan for 10 years, it's 
> not that easy to get used to doing things in winxp. (Except that 
> photographical software works much better in winxp).
> thanks for any hints
> -matti

Date2006-05-29 15:37
FromMatti Koskinen
SubjectRe: csound and colinux
Andres Cabrera kirjoitti:
> Hi Matti,
> It seems to me you are doing things the hard way. Maybe you should keep
> trying other linuces, until you find one which can support jack and
> works on your system. I'm not sure if this helps, but have you tried
> installing a 32-bit linux?
> Also if nothing else works, maybe it's worth getting jack to work on
> colinux rather than doing all those strange things...
> Cheers,
> Andrés
> On Sun, 2006-05-28 at 18:18 +0300, Matti Koskinen wrote:
Hi Andres

Yes it's a hard way., but FC4 32-bit gives kernel panic immedaiately in 
boot. Topologilinux can't boot in real mode. It's fine under colinux, 
and it  has the possibility to boot into real mode, where's its pure 
linux. Knoppix boots with nousb boot parameter, but can't find my 
wireless mouse. Just tried it with old mouse and it works, but as it's 
so limited, it's not that usable. I have my old 800MHz FC4 box still, 
and I've run it on cygwin X, and it's quite ok. Maybe I'll just  have to 
put some soundcard in it and use it for music. If I only had more space 
to put another keayboard and monitor on my desktop, there wouldn't be 
any problem.

But in colinux ceres3 and cecilia work fine, when I render sound to file 
and the play it from there. Timidity works with one or two tracks, more 
and it chockes badly.

Well, under windows works most of the tools too, but ceres3 is the tool 
I'm now wanting to use. It started under cygwin with lesstif, but gives 
immediate segfault when loading and analyzing a file.



Date2006-05-30 17:04
FromAndres Cabrera
SubjectRe: csound and colinux
Hi Matti,
I guess your best shot would be getting jack (or alsa) to work there...
Csound works weel with either, that way you don't have to do all that


On Mon, 2006-05-29 at 17:37 +0300, Matti Koskinen wrote:
> Andres Cabrera kirjoitti:
> > Hi Matti,
> > It seems to me you are doing things the hard way. Maybe you should keep
> > trying other linuces, until you find one which can support jack and
> > works on your system. I'm not sure if this helps, but have you tried
> > installing a 32-bit linux?
> > Also if nothing else works, maybe it's worth getting jack to work on
> > colinux rather than doing all those strange things...
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Andrés
> > On Sun, 2006-05-28 at 18:18 +0300, Matti Koskinen wrote:
> >   
> Hi Andres
> Yes it's a hard way., but FC4 32-bit gives kernel panic immedaiately in 
> boot. Topologilinux can't boot in real mode. It's fine under colinux, 
> and it  has the possibility to boot into real mode, where's its pure 
> linux. Knoppix boots with nousb boot parameter, but can't find my 
> wireless mouse. Just tried it with old mouse and it works, but as it's 
> so limited, it's not that usable. I have my old 800MHz FC4 box still, 
> and I've run it on cygwin X, and it's quite ok. Maybe I'll just  have to 
> put some soundcard in it and use it for music. If I only had more space 
> to put another keayboard and monitor on my desktop, there wouldn't be 
> any problem.
> But in colinux ceres3 and cecilia work fine, when I render sound to file 
> and the play it from there. Timidity works with one or two tracks, more 
> and it chockes badly.
> Well, under windows works most of the tools too, but ceres3 is the tool 
> I'm now wanting to use. It started under cygwin with lesstif, but gives 
> immediate segfault when loading and analyzing a file.
> thanks
> -matti