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Help Needed: loscil

Date2006-05-27 23:00
From"Art Hunkins"
SubjectHelp Needed: loscil
I'm just starting to work with samples in Csound 5.02 beta, and am having
trouble doing simple looping, i.e., repeating the entire sample. I recall
some talk here about loop problems with loscil, but was not then involved
with samples and so recall nothing specific.

Here is the error output I'm getting (when rendering):

opening AIFF infile C:\My Documents\My Music\SEAMUS\Good\Seamus2norm.aiff
INIT ERROR in instr 1: illegal sustain loop data
a1 a2 loscil kamp 1 1 1 261.626 1 0 -1 0 0
   B  0.000 - note deleted.  i1 had 1 init errors

My relevent orch code is:

instr 1

kamp   linseg 0, .01, 10000, p3 - .02, 10000, .01, 0
a1,a2  loscil kamp, 1, 1, 1, 261.626, 1

   outs a1, a2


The orchestra and sample are stereo. (The final 1 in loscil is to enable
ordinary looping. Without this loop flag, my orchestra works fine.)

F1 is as follows:

f 1 0 0 1 "C:\My Documents\My Music\SEAMUS\Good\Seamus2norm.aiff" 0 0 0

which I believe to be correct (I tried with a .wav version of the sample as
well, and get the same result).

My audio editor is Audacity, and I don't know whether I'm even setting loop
points correctly in there or not. I've selected the entire sample before
doing looped playback, and then exported to either .wav or .aiff. As
mentioned above, all I want to do is simply loop the entire sample.
Audacity's docs don't talk about loop points at all, even though Audacity
itself loops fine. Do I need to change editors?

I'd appreciate any help. I've the distinct feeling I'm missing something
really basic.

Art Hunkins