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Re: CsoundVST with dynamic loading of Python

Date2006-05-25 17:35
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: CsoundVST with dynamic loading of Python

Date2006-05-25 18:17
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: CsoundVST with dynamic loading of Python
Of course, that's only on Windows. Can the same thing be done on OS X?

-----Original Message-----
>From: Michael Gogins 
>Sent: May 25, 2006 1:10 PM
>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: Re: [Csnd] CsoundVST with dynamic loading of Python
>Also, just to make this perfectly clear, CsoundVST does NOT link with the _CsoundVST shared library. Instead, CsoundVST dynamically loads the _CsoundVST shared library at run time.
>What is the difference between a bundle and a dylib, anyway?
>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Victor Lazzarini 
>>Sent: May 25, 2006 12:21 PM
>>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>>Subject: Re: [Csnd] CsoundVST with dynamic loading of Python
>>No, it's a link problem: you cannot 'import CsoundVST' from python because
>>_CsoundVST.so is a dylib, but if you make it a bundle, then you cannot link 
>>to it. It can't be both things. But if you use csnd.py  (_cnsd.so) as your 
>>python module,
>>then it might be possible to make things work (perhaps in a similar way to 
>>how you do
>>it in the fltk Csound5GUI).
>>At 17:00 25/05/2006, you wrote:
>>>I thought that the problem was a runtime problem, not a link time problem. 
>>>In other words, I thought it would be possible to LINK CsoundVST and 
>>>_CsoundVST.so on OS X (linking with Python of course), but then RUN 
>>>CsoundVST WITHOUT Python.
>>>CsoundVST creates 2 instances of the CsoundVST class -- one as a C++ 
>>>object and one as a Python object. When using Python, obviously the Python 
>>>object is used, but it is also plugged into the GUI and replaces the C++ 
>>>I assume that CsoundVST will run on Windows if Python is not in the 
>>>environment -- I will confirm that.
>>>Can you LINK CsoundVST?
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>> >From: Istvan Varga 
>>> >Sent: May 25, 2006 9:15 AM
>>> >To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>>> >Subject: Re: [Csnd] CsoundVST with dynamic loading of Python
>>> >
>>> >There are still some dependencies that result in requiring Python,
>>> >and prevent CsoundVST from working on the Mac. In particular, the
>>> >GUI frontend links against the _CsoundVST library, which requires
>>> >Python because it is a Python module (i.e. it includes a SWIG
>>> >generated wrapper), and it links against _csnd which also requires
>>> >Python. On the Mac only, there are bundle vs. dylib issues when
>>> >linking against any of _csnd or _CsoundVST as long as these are
>>> >also intended to be Python modules.
>>> >So, I think more work may be needed, including the separation of
>>> >the GUI, VST, and Python functionality in such a way that neither
>>> >the GUI nor the VST plugin link against anything that requires
>>> >Python directly or indirectly. Parts of the _CsoundVST library
>>> >that are intended to be usable from Python with 'import CsoundVST'
>>> >may also be moved to _csnd, possibly with the removal of the Boost
>>> >dependency, although that is not very important.
>>> >
>>> >On Thursday 25 May 2006 03:27, Michael Gogins wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> I've updated Csound 5 CVS with changes in CsoundVST so it loads Python
>>> >> dynamically. This should mean that CsoundVST will work as a front and 
>>> as a
>>> >> VST plugin on computers where Python has not been installed. I would
>>> >> appreciate it if somebody with Mac OS X could test this, if possible, 
>>> before
>>> >> we release the next version.
>>> >--
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>>Victor Lazzarini
>>Music Technology Laboratory
>>Music Department
>>National University of Ireland, Maynooth 
>>Send bugs reports to this list.
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>Send bugs reports to this list.
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