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OT octave/libsndfile

Date2006-05-23 19:46
From"James Hearon"
SubjectOT octave/libsndfile
Tried reinstalling octave to /usr/opt instead of c: Program Files, but still 
no luck with sndfile_play.m
and libsndfile.

Since is OT will move that over to meganerd.

Octave is a GNU open source alternative to Matlab which can use libsndfile 
to play files.

Date2006-05-23 20:04
FromHudson Lacerda
SubjectRe: OT octave/libsndfile
James Hearon escreveu:
> Tried reinstalling octave to /usr/opt instead of c: Program Files, but 
> still no luck with sndfile_play.m
> and libsndfile.
> Since is OT will move that over to meganerd.
> Octave is a GNU open source alternative to Matlab which can use 
> libsndfile to play files.

Have you tried the .m code from octave-forge?
There are sound() and playaudio() functions which can play audio arrays.
GNU Octave works pretty well on GNU systems, but I don't know about 
setup and sound support on Windows systems.

Hudson Lacerda 
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