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Re: [Cs-dev] release date question

Date2006-05-23 14:30
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] release date question
Thanks. I'll try to incorporate this in CsoundVST, though I may have to use these flags in CsoundVST code also.

In addition, I have enabled dynamic loading of Python in CsoundVST. This should make CsoundVST usable on the Mac and on computers where Python has not been installed.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Istvan Varga 
>Sent: May 23, 2006 5:03 AM
>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: Re: [Csnd] [Cs-dev] release date question
>On Wednesday 17 May 2006 14:27, Michael Gogins wrote:
>> I should add, that CsoundVST requires noFLTKThreads=1.
>It is actually possible to have the effects of noFLTKThreads=1
>enabled at run-time, rather than compiling the widgets plugin
>with noFLTKThreads=1 (in fact, the csound5gui frontends assumes
>noFLTKThreads=0). To disable the use of a separate thread for
>the widget opcodes, run this code between csoundPreCompile()
>and csoundCompile():
>  csoundCreateGlobalVariable(csound, "FLTK_Flags", sizeof(int));
>  *((int*) csoundQueryGlobalVariable(csound, "FLTK_Flags")) = 28;
>Replace the 28 with 30 to disable the FLTK graphs, or 3 to get
>rid of both the widgets and the graphs.
>Additionally, if using 274 instead of 28, then as long as
>csoundCompile() is called from the same thread that also calls
>Fl::wait(), it is possible to get the widgets working regardless
>of what thread is used for performing.
>Here is the complete list of flags:
> * FLTK flags is the sum of any of the following values:
> *   1 (input):  disable widget opcodes by setting up dummy opcodes instead
> *   2 (input):  disable FLTK graphs
> *   4 (input):  disable the use of a separate thread for widget opcodes
> *   8 (input):  disable the use of Fl::lock() and Fl::unlock()
> *  16 (input):  disable the use of Fl::awake()
> *  32 (output): widget opcodes are used
> *  64 (output): FLTK graphs are used
> * 128 (input):  disable widget opcodes by not registering any opcodes
> * 256 (input):  disable the use of Fl::wait() (implies no widget thread)
> */
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