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Re: commercial sequencer/notation app with csound support

Date2006-05-20 07:58
FromLuís Antunes Pena
SubjectRe: commercial sequencer/notation app with csound support
if you decide for midi notes instead of "i" events you have the
possibility to use quarter notes with two different midi channels: one for
the "normal" tempered notes and one a quarter tone higher. this is
actually how Open Music plays midi quarter tones.

Matt J. Ingalls schrieb:

> i guess it's not that programmatically to send MIDI or note statements,
and having finer degree of pitch would be nice [ even to be able to play
quarter tones would be something rare -- Sibelius lets you do this, but
since it is MIDI pitch bend is used and you can't play chords with
quarter tones! ]

Luís Antunes Pena

Date2006-05-20 12:40
SubjectRe: commercial sequencer/notation app with csound support

Date2006-05-20 18:16
From"Matt J. Ingalls"
SubjectRe: commercial sequencer/notation app with csound support
what is floating-point midi?

On Sat, 20 May 2006, bbarros wrote:

> you can listen to microtones using
> floating-point midi to quicktime in osx.
> the sound is not so cool, but you can
> listen to any interval. actoolbox play
> microtones in this way.
> 2006/5/20, Luís Antunes Pena :
>> if you decide for midi notes instead of "i" events you have the
>> possibility to use quarter notes with two different midi channels: one for
>> the "normal" tempered notes and one a quarter tone higher. this is
>> actually how Open Music plays midi quarter tones.
>> Matt J. Ingalls schrieb:
>> > i guess it's not that programmatically to send MIDI or note statements,
>> and having finer degree of pitch would be nice [ even to be able to play
>> quarter tones would be something rare -- Sibelius lets you do this, but
>> since it is MIDI pitch bend is used and you can't play chords with
>> quarter tones! ]
>> --
>> Luís Antunes Pena
>> http://icem.folkwang-hochschule.de/~pena
>> --
>> Send bugs reports to this list.
>> To unsubscribe, send email to csound-unsubscribe@lists.bath.ac.uk
> --
> Send bugs reports to this list.
> To unsubscribe, send email to csound-unsubscribe@lists.bath.ac.uk

Date2006-05-20 18:25
FromMartin Peach
SubjectRe: commercial sequencer/notation app with csound support
Matt J. Ingalls wrote:

> what is floating-point midi?
You can give a floating point number for the note number. I know this 
works in Pure Data if you then use a mtof object  to extract the 
frequency. It's not part of the MIDI standard though.


> On Sat, 20 May 2006, bbarros wrote:
>> you can listen to microtones using
>> floating-point midi to quicktime in osx.
>> the sound is not so cool, but you can
>> listen to any interval. actoolbox play
>> microtones in this way.
>> 2006/5/20, Luís Antunes Pena :
>>> if you decide for midi notes instead of "i" events you have the
>>> possibility to use quarter notes with two different midi channels: 
>>> one for
>>> the "normal" tempered notes and one a quarter tone higher. this is
>>> actually how Open Music plays midi quarter tones.
>>> Matt J. Ingalls schrieb:
>>> > i guess it's not that programmatically to send MIDI or note 
>>> statements,
>>> and having finer degree of pitch would be nice [ even to be able to 
>>> play
>>> quarter tones would be something rare -- Sibelius lets you do this, but
>>> since it is MIDI pitch bend is used and you can't play chords with
>>> quarter tones! ]
>>> -- 
>>> Luís Antunes Pena
>>> http://icem.folkwang-hochschule.de/~pena
>>> -- 
>>> Send bugs reports to this list.
>>> To unsubscribe, send email to csound-unsubscribe@lists.bath.ac.uk
>> -- 
>> Send bugs reports to this list.
>> To unsubscribe, send email to csound-unsubscribe@lists.bath.ac.uk

Date2006-05-20 18:36
FromHudson Lacerda
SubjectRe: commercial sequencer/notation app with csound support
Luís Antunes Pena escreveu:
> if you decide for midi notes instead of "i" events you have the
> possibility to use quarter notes with two different midi channels: one for
> the "normal" tempered notes and one a quarter tone higher. this is
> actually how Open Music plays midi quarter tones.

There is yet another additional possibility: SMT - Standard MIDI Tuning.



Hudson Lacerda 
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Date2006-05-20 18:51
SubjectRe: commercial sequencer/notation app with csound support

Date2006-05-21 02:55
From"Matt J. Ingalls"
SubjectRe: commercial sequencer/notation app with csound support

On Sat, 20 May 2006, bbarros wrote:

> it's like 60.5 for c3 quarter tone high.
> it's not really midi, but you can use this
> with quicktime.

oh ok.  i always have used NAPlayNote(), but looks like there is also
a MusicPlayNote, which takes a long as pitch value, maybe this is what 
you are talking about:

ComponentResult MusicPlayNote (
    MusicComponent    mc,
    long              part,
    long              pitch,
    long              velocity );

"The pitch at which to play the note. If the pitch is specified by a 
from 0 to 127, it is a MIDI pitch, where 60 is middle C. If the pitch is a 
positive number above 65535, the value is a fixed-point pitch value. Thus, 
microtonal values may be specified."