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newbie question

Date2006-05-16 16:09
FromChristoph Lehmann
Subjectnewbie question
is there a possibility to program 'real' instruments in csound? Are 
there any templates somewhere on the net collected, which can be downloaded?
Many thanks and best regards

Date2006-05-16 16:24
SubjectRe: newbie question
there is this book about wind instruments:


--- Christoph Lehmann  wrote:

> Hi,
> is there a possibility to program 'real' instruments in csound? Are 
> there any templates somewhere on the net collected, which can be
> downloaded?
> Many thanks and best regards
> christoph
> -- 
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Date2006-05-16 16:26
FromJulien Claassen
SubjectRe: newbie question
  What exactly do you mean by "Real" instruments?
  There are certain instruments, which sound natural, there are instruments,
which can be played in realtime and there are opcodes to emulate natural
instruments, as basic building-blocks. There is a violine, flute, clarinet,
several percussive sounds and more.
  Does this help in any way? Otherwise specify in more detail, what you are
looking for.
  Kindest regards

Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)

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Date2006-05-17 09:48
FromAtte André Jensen
SubjectRe: newbie question
==> wrote:

> there is this book about wind instruments:
> http://www.areditions.com/cmdas/DAS18/cmdas018.html

I'm wondering if there's in depth explanations or it's merely a 
collection of code?

peace, love & harmony

http://www.atte.dk      | quartet:      http://www.anagrammer.dk
http://www.atte.dk/gps  | compositions: http://www.atte.dk/compositions

Date2006-05-17 10:31
From"Steven Yi"
SubjectRe: newbie question

Date2006-05-17 10:48
FromAtte André Jensen
SubjectRe: newbie question
Steven Yi wrote:
> All in all, I'd recommend the book very much.

Ok, thanks for the rewiev, might give it a buy then.

I have the "csound book" and "virtual csound". But while I think "the 
csound book" is great I was a bit disappointed with "virtual csound". 
Maybe I got them in the wrong order (first "the csound book") since it 
seems to me like "virtual csound" is more aimed at beginners (although 
"the csound book" was also great for me when I was new).

peace, love & harmony

http://www.atte.dk      | quartet:      http://www.anagrammer.dk
http://www.atte.dk/gps  | compositions: http://www.atte.dk/compositions

Date2006-05-17 14:14
FromRichard Dobson
SubjectRe: newbie question
Steven Yi wrote:
> Hi Atte,
> I have this book but haven't looked at in a long time.  Just got it
> out and am really pleasantly surprised.  Regarding the chapters,
> chapter 3 on the instrument design is pretty short (all of the
> instruments are based on wavetables, though with an interesting
> twist), while chapters 4 and 5 discuss different woodwind and brass
> instruments along with things like mutes, has pictures of the
> instruments, shows FFT analyses of their spectra (using I believe
> diagrams generated with James Beauchamp's PVAN).  

A propos of which, I would remind users that a Windows build of the 
whole SNDAN suite (including PVAN of course) is available off the Bath 
dream server:


NB it uses ghostscript for the graphic displays, so you need GSTools.

Richard Dobson