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Re: Cabel Breakup Question

Date2006-05-02 15:28
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: Cabel Breakup Question
Turn off garbage collection in Python during performance? Experiment with different buffer settings?


-----Original Message-----
>From: Chris Share 
>Sent: May 2, 2006 7:50 AM
>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: [Csnd] Cabel Breakup Question
>This is a general question to some of the coders on the list.
>At the moment Cabel's audio breaks up really badly if there's any user 
>interface activity. This is a shame because otherwise the program would 
>be great for live use.
>Any ideas on where the problem for this might be found? Is it a Csound, 
>Python or wxWidgets/wxPython issue? Also, how difficult would it be to 
>Sebastian Gutsfeld wrote:
>> Chris Share  writes:
>>>Is there any way to trigger a Cabel patch without using an external
>>>MIDI device--say, from the computer keyboard or mouse without starting
>>>and stopping Csound each time? I'm thinking of something like a
>>>"Playnote" or "Trigger" Cabel module.
>> No, but I don't know if there's a Csound opcode for reading keyboard
>> events so one could write an UDO for reading keyboard events and
>> creating score events.
>>>Also, on Windows there's a problem with scrolling around while a patch
>>>is running. This causes the sound to break-up badly. For example, if I
>>>mouse-over a module while a patch is running the sound breaks up.
>> Cabel already uses double buffering for painting its modules on the
>> workspace. I have no idea how to additinonally accelerate drawing in
>> wxPython.
>> regards,
>>    Sebastian
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