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Re: Standalone FLTK exe's from Lettuce

Date2006-05-01 23:07
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: Standalone FLTK exe's from Lettuce
Well, FLTK will work, if coded properly, but
not the widget opcodes, but as the GUI toolkit
of the application itself. Then multithreading
can be used, but then as prescribed by the FLTK

Note that it is possible to make FLTK work more
or less perfectly in all platforms. It's just a
matter of avoiding multithreading.

For instance, the minimal Csound 5 GUI for OSX
supports the FLTK widgets. But it's single-threaded

> On 5/1/06, Victor Lazzarini 
> > wrote: My suggestion: I would not waste my time trying
> > to get FLTK to work on a multi-threaded application.
> > It will most likely fail (esp on Windows).
> Is there a crossplatform toolkit that *would* work for a
> csound based multithreaded application on Linux, Windows
> and OSX?
> Not that Lettuce should should switch, but for those of us
> that are thinking about writing other frontends for
> csound.
> schwaahed
> --
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Date2006-05-01 23:14
FromErik de Castro Lopo
SubjectRe: Standalone FLTK exe's from Lettuce
Victor Lazzarini wrote:

> Well, FLTK will work, if coded properly, but
> not the widget opcodes, but as the GUI toolkit
> of the application itself. Then multithreading
> can be used, but then as prescribed by the FLTK
> model.

I really know very little about the internal workings of
Csound, but given the existing problems, wouldn't it make 
more sense to have the GUI run in a separate process and
communicate with the csound process via OSC and/or midi?

  Erik de Castro Lopo
"I consider C++ the most significant technical hazard to the survival
of your project and do so without apologies." -- Alistair Cockburn

Date2006-05-01 23:35
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: Standalone FLTK exe's from Lettuce