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Re: csoundapi~ PD

Date2006-05-01 20:58
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: csoundapi~ PD
If you have the framework installed on the mac,
fire up pd and then set it to load csoundapi~
when it starts (this can be set as a preference
in one of the base menus). Csoundapi~ resides
in the framework under resources/PD (I think,
don't have the mac in front of me now).

Then quit PD and start it again, now csoundapi~
should load (you'll see some messages). Then
you can try the help patch which sits in the
same directory as csoundapi~.

I can give you more detailed instructions when I
have the Mac (I forget stuff). Otherwise ask
David Akbari and he'll tell you straight off.


> re: pc side, I got this updated to csound5.  I had an
> older 4.23 vers.  csoundapi~.dll in the Pd/bin.
> But how does one get this working on the Mac side?  I see
> csoundap...c.~1.21.~ in frontends/csoundapi_tilde, and the
> demo files:  csoundapi.pd, twoinstances.pd, and
> csapi_demo.csd, but I'm not sure where  the pd stuff lives
> on the mac since all I have is a Pd-0.38-3.app, and no
> folder with bin etc.
> Thanks.
> --
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