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instruments used in "4 voice fugue in C dorian"

Date2006-05-01 09:35
FromAtte André Jensen
Subjectinstruments used in "4 voice fugue in C dorian"
Attachmentssine_pad.instr  chorus.macro  fake_ping_pong_delay_4.macro  

A few people have asked for the instruments used in my recent 
composition, "4 voice fugue in C dorian", which BTW can be found here:


The piece uses my huge live csd, so I only post the three active 
instruments/macros, namely the pad sound, the chorus macro and the fake 
ping pong delay macro. Quite a deal of tweaking is needed to run these, 
since I post them raw with some macros that will have to be either 
defined or not used.

A few notes about the macros used in sine_pad.instr:
$CONTROL is a macro that makes available (for instance) kc_volume (the 
current position of the volume (controller 7) slider on a midi 
keyboard), remove this line and also remove the "* kc_volume" that 
depends on it later.
$TUNE is global tuning, substitute with 1
$SINE points to a ftable with a sine wave
$GLOBAL_FX_FPPD_200_4(aoutl'aoutr'.2) calls a global instrument that 
calls the delay macro. This part is not that important for the sound, so 
it could be left out.
$OUTS is actually sending to a global "output module" that scales the 
output and makes sure it's not too high, can be substituted with the 
outs opcode.

About the outputting: Towards the end of sine_pad.instr is (including 
the above call to the delay) this:


This adds chorus (with the chorus macro), routes 20% to the delay and 
outputs the rest.

Hope this is not that much trouble to get running. Besides, it shows my 
home made way of handling thousands of lines of csound code with include 
files and macros. Maybe this could also be of inspiration to some...

peace, love & harmony

http://www.atte.dk      | quartet:      http://www.anagrammer.dk
http://www.atte.dk/gps  | compositions: http://www.atte.dk/compositions

Date2006-05-01 15:45
FromAnthony Kozar
SubjectRe: instruments used in "4 voice fugue in C dorian"
Thanks for posting these Atte!

The basic pad instrument is so simple, but then I was amazed at how complex
the Chorus effect was :)  That must be what gives the sound its richness.

Your instrument design -- using the macros for inline effects -- is quite
inspiring.  I do hope to make some use of this instrument in the near

Thanks again!

Anthony Kozar
anthonykozar AT sbcglobal DOT net

Atte André Jensen wrote on 5/1/06 4:35 AM:

> A few people have asked for the instruments used in my recent
> composition, "4 voice fugue in C dorian", which BTW can be found here:

Date2006-05-01 17:38
FromAtte André Jensen
SubjectRe: instruments used in "4 voice fugue in C dorian"
Anthony Kozar wrote:
> Thanks for posting these Atte!
> The basic pad instrument is so simple, but then I was amazed at how complex
> the Chorus effect was :)  That must be what gives the sound its richness.

True. It's a hacked up, stereofied version of something I found on the 
net, but forgot the origion of (anyone recognize their work, I'd love to 
make a reference to the original, something I normally do).

> Your instrument design -- using the macros for inline effects -- is quite
> inspiring.  I do hope to make some use of this instrument in the near
> future.

Normally I don't apply effect this way. I try to route them to an 
global, always running instrument, which is much, much more efficient. 
Not sure why I did it this way here...

That said; macros rules! I use them as much as possible!

peace, love & harmony

http://www.atte.dk      | quartet:      http://www.anagrammer.dk
http://www.atte.dk/gps  | compositions: http://www.atte.dk/compositions

Date2006-05-01 18:36
FromAtte André Jensen
SubjectRe: instruments used in "4 voice fugue in C dorian"
Atte André Jensen wrote:

> True. It's a hacked up, stereofied version of something I found on the 
> net, but forgot the origion of

I think it might be based on something (that I couldn't google up) that 
Perry Cook did...

peace, love & harmony

http://www.atte.dk      | quartet:      http://www.anagrammer.dk
http://www.atte.dk/gps  | compositions: http://www.atte.dk/compositions

Date2006-05-02 22:10
From"Steven Yi"
SubjectRe: instruments used in "4 voice fugue in C dorian"