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Re: Csound Windows Front Ends

Date2006-04-30 20:11
From"Michael Gogins"
SubjectRe: Csound Windows Front Ends
CsoundVST is also a front end, and Istvan Varga has recently introduced 
csound5gui, similar to Winsound. I think that neither Winsound nor 
csound5gui are QUITE ready on Windows, but probably both are ready for 
Linux. CsoundVST on the other hand works fine on Windows, but you need to 
install Python before you install it.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Share" 
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 2:33 PM
Subject: [Csnd] Csound Windows Front Ends

> Hi,
> I'm planning on doing some things with Csound5 on Windows and was looking 
> for a front-end to use. I've been away from the world of Csound for a 
> while so I just wanted to check on the status and features of the various 
> front-ends. I'm particularly looking for something that can render files 
> and also play back the rendered audio so that I don't have to swap 
> programs constantly.
> From what I can see, the following are no longer being developed for 
> Windows:
> WinXoundPro
> CSEdit
> Cecilia
> That leaves the following:
> Lettuce
> Blue
> Cabel
> Winsound
> Blue seems like a bit of overkill for what I'm currently doing (just some 
> simple things to get started), and Winsound isn't quite ready yet (?). 
> Lettuce can't play back audio files and Cabel doesn't have a built-in 
> editor.
> Is that right?
> Cheers,
> Chris
> -- 
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Date2006-05-01 09:29
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: Csound Windows Front Ends