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Csound presence at the Lac2006

Date2006-04-29 23:10
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectCsound presence at the Lac2006
It was very nice to see that, in the first
concert at the lac2006, of the seven pieces
played, five were made with csound.

There's life in the old dinosaur...


Date2006-04-30 03:20
FromDavid Akbari
SubjectRe: Csound presence at the Lac2006
What were the other two made with ?


On Apr 29, 2006, at 6:10 PM, Victor Lazzarini wrote:

> It was very nice to see that, in the first
> concert at the lac2006, of the seven pieces
> played, five were made with csound.
> There's life in the old dinosaur...
> Victor