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spectral freezing...?

Date2006-04-28 15:29
FromPeiman Khosravi
Subjectspectral freezing...?
Hello everyone,

I am back again with more questions!

Is there a way to have a real-time spectral freezing instrument using
the pvs opcodes? I was thinking of perhaps using the binit or pvsftw
opcodes (?)

Any advice will be much appreciated.

Many thanks


Date2006-04-28 15:39
FromRory Walsh
SubjectRe: spectral freezing...?
I wrote a class for Victor's SndObj library to do this and once I was 
done realised that looping a small snippet of the signal repeatedly 
resulting in pretty much the same sound as a 'spectral freeze', plus if 
was less CPU intensive. As for real spectral freezing in Csound, I ain't 
too sure.


Peiman Khosravi wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am back again with more questions!
> Is there a way to have a real-time spectral freezing instrument using
> the pvs opcodes? I was thinking of perhaps using the binit or pvsftw
> opcodes (?)
> Any advice will be much appreciated.
> Many thanks
> Peiman