| My view of what is going on here is simply this: the "average user" is
somewhat frustrated currently - as I think is reasonable and should be
expected. And we can be *both grateful and frustrated* at the same time - as
Michael clearly states.
Michael's frustration is completely understandable (I've been there too).
We've continued to find bugs or otherwise have problems with whatever
Csound4 we're using, and have been summarily told, "Forget it - we don't
have time, we're working fulltime on Csound5 and can't afford to get
We understand this, but continue to be somewhat frustrated - especially when
we approach Csound5 and experience new install and configuration issues,
along with minimal documentation. The new Csound5 user faces a learning
curve and is struggling to "keep up." Please accept and understand a certain
level of frustration. *With help*, it will pass.
Art Hunkins
----- Original Message -----
From: "Anthony Kozar"
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Csnd] 4.23 Manual
> Hear! Hear! It is discussions and posts such as those that I was reading
> this thread yesterday that I find extremely discouraging and acutally
> me AWAY from Csound development periodically.
> Anthony Kozar
> anthonykozar AT sbcglobal DOT net
> Steven Yi wrote on 4/27/06 12:15 AM:
> > If you feel that there are issues that would positively affect yours
> > and others user experience, voice your concerns (as you have) but
> > please do so without the negative tone. It's not very rewarding for
> > anyone here--developer or user--to read messages with strong
> > inflamatory language and imperative declamations, and your point will
> > still be heard without it. It might even make the work of fixing the
> > bugs and fielding requests more enjoyable.
> --
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