| Thanks for the screen shots. I think I'm more interested in making it easier
for people who write breakpoint editors and such to use the API, than I am
in creating such editors myself.
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Akbari"
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Csnd] 4.23 Manual
> On Apr 26, 2006, at 8:01 PM, Michael Gogins wrote:
>> What does a breakpoint editor do (sorry to ask a silly question, but I've
>> never used one)?
> My understanding is that it is basically just a table that a user clicks
> around [on a graph] often times holding a modifier key like Alt/Option or
> Ctrl in which case it adds a new point.
> They're useful for generating any kind of data that changes as a function
> of time. This could be an envelope or the speed at which it indexes a
> table, for example.
> Breakpoint editing is often the cornerstone of commercial software like
> Cubase or Pro Tools - users are able to draw any kind of envelope (volume,
> pan position, modulation depth etc) directly onto the track in breakpoint
> fashion.
> I have a simple Cecilia file that I use quite a bite that is simply just
> the cgraph widget in Tcl/Tk that is useful to generate a dummy Csound
> performance while copying the temp file and extracting the breakpoint
> generated GEN table.
> Visual examples :
> http://www.ear.ie/Lettuce.htm#bpe
> http://www.csounds.com/cecilia/images/Cecilia-1.jpg
> The Cecilia patch :
> cgraph envelope
> cslider duree_totale -uni sec. -res .001 -min .01 -max 30 init 5
> ; mono template
> instr 1
> out ar
> endin
> ; stereo template
> instr 1
> ar = 0
> ag = 0
> outs ar, ag
> endin
> ; quad template
> instr 1
> outq a1, a2, a3, a4
> endin
> ; octophonic template
> instr 1
> outo a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8
> endin
> f1 0 8192 10 1
> instr 1
> p 2 {sq [duree_totale] [duree_totale]s} ;
> p 3 {sq [duree_totale] [duree_totale]s} ;
> e
> -David
> --
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