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Re: 4.23 Manual

Date2006-04-27 01:01
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: 4.23 Manual
Thanks for your feedback.

I've considered adding syntax highlighting to CsoundVST, I'll see how hard that is to do.

What does a breakpoint editor do (sorry to ask a silly question, but I've never used one)?


-----Original Message-----
>From: David Akbari 
>Sent: Apr 26, 2006 5:35 PM
>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: Re: [Csnd] 4.23 Manual
>On Apr 26, 2006, at 5:15 PM, Michael Gogins wrote:
>> Thanks for the information... I thought Python was part of the 
>> problem. There are 2 things that could be done:
>> (1) Make the Csound installer install Python if it's not already 
>> installed. Obviously this doesn't help with size problems!
>Isn't there a way in Windows to have it connect to some kind of 
>packages repository ? I'm thinking of the MinGW or Cygwin installer 
>that queries a database and can install dependencies remotely.
>Perhaps this functionality could be added to the Csound for Windows 
>installer so that it would locate download Python from the installer 
>but not have to be bundled with it.
>> (2) Make CsoundVST use Lua not Python (Lua can be built right into 
>> Csound; it's TINY but basically as powerful as Python -- and faster 
>> too, but not quite as easy to write).
>> And that raises another question:
>> What does Lettuce do that CsoundVST doesn't do?
>Topically and most relevant, Csound syntax highlighting. It's strange 
>the type of psychological effect it has looking at a large Csound 
>orchestra when there's no syntax highlighting. It makes things somewhat 
>more difficult to debug.
>Also the breakpoint editor but I find that it's possible to use Cecilia 
>or TclCsound just as easily to generate breakpoint based function 
>tables for use with CsoundVST.
>Send bugs reports to this list.
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Date2006-04-27 01:42
FromDavid Akbari
SubjectRe: 4.23 Manual
On Apr 26, 2006, at 8:01 PM, Michael Gogins wrote:

> What does a breakpoint editor do (sorry to ask a silly question, but 
> I've never used one)?

My understanding is that it is basically just a table that a user 
clicks around [on a graph] often times holding a modifier key like 
Alt/Option or Ctrl in which case it adds a new point.

They're useful for generating any kind of data that changes as a 
function of time. This could be an envelope or the speed at which it 
indexes a table, for example.

Breakpoint editing is often the cornerstone of commercial software like 
Cubase or Pro Tools - users are able to draw any kind of envelope 
(volume, pan position, modulation depth etc) directly onto the track in 
breakpoint fashion.

I have a simple Cecilia file that I use quite a bite that is simply 
just the cgraph widget in Tcl/Tk that is useful to generate a dummy 
Csound performance while copying the temp file and extracting the 
breakpoint generated GEN table.

Visual examples :

The Cecilia patch :

cgraph	envelope

cslider duree_totale -uni sec. -res .001 -min .01 -max 30 init  5

; mono template

	instr 1

	out	ar

; stereo template

	instr 1

ar	=	0
ag	=	0

	outs 	ar, ag

; quad template

	instr 1

	outq 	a1, a2, a3, a4

; octophonic template

	instr 1

	outo 	a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8

f1 0 8192 10 1

	instr 1
p 2  {sq [duree_totale] [duree_totale]s}  ;
p 3  {sq [duree_totale]  [duree_totale]s} ;
