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Announce: Lettuce v1.3....

Date2006-04-27 00:14
FromRory Walsh
SubjectAnnounce: Lettuce v1.3....
Hi everyone, following on from all your suggestions the following 
features have been added to Lettuce:

- Users can choose their own colours for symbols such as "/+=%^&*().....
- Support for orc/sco files, users can now run sco/orc files with the 
play button
- Users can also toggle between .orc and .sco file, so long as they 	 
share the same base name, i.e., test.orc, test.sco. The toggle button 
             appears on the right of the performance timer....
- Added an AutoSave before performance checkbox in user settings
- Added an AutoSave before switching between score and orchestra file in 
user settings

To do:
See if I can figure out why compiling standalones on Windows ME returns 
an error....

As always you can find it here www.ear.ie/Lettuce.htm. If there are any 
problems don't hesitate to let me know. Keep your suggestions flying in!
