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Latest Realtime Csound5 Piece

Date2006-03-26 23:43
From"Art Hunkins"
SubjectLatest Realtime Csound5 Piece
Announcing my latest composition for *Csound5*, live performance: ET ITERUM

It's fairly short, easy to perform - can even be done with a two-button X/Y
joystick. No GUI (FLTK). Not highly demanding CPU-wise.

I've tested it only on Windows; I'd be delighted to know how it works on
other platforms.

It's available for download at the head of my composition list at:
www.arthunkins.com . In addition to a test/instruction file, and a .zip with
all six versions (3 stereo, 3 quad), there's an .mp3 of a sample performance
(I learned more about fout to accomplish the recording while doing
realtime - my first try with fout, as I'd been using CsoundAV previously for

I owe a great debt of gratitude to Dave Seidel for this piece. It was while
doing realtime arrangements of his Sublimation that I became acquainted with
(and enamoured of) reverbsc, as well as the spline opcodes (for adding a
very musical "jitter"). Both of these ideas are absolutely central to my

Thanks, Dave.

Art Hunkins

Date2006-03-27 03:16
FromDave Seidel
SubjectRe: Latest Realtime Csound5 Piece

I must say, I think this is one of your most beautiful pieces.  And I 
would have said that even if you *hadn't* mentioned me!  :-)

Indeed, reverbsc is probably my favorite Csound5 opcode (so far, at 
least -- there's a lot to explore).

- Dave

Art Hunkins wrote:
> Announcing my latest composition for *Csound5*, live performance: ET ITERUM
> It's fairly short, easy to perform - can even be done with a two-button X/Y
> joystick. No GUI (FLTK). Not highly demanding CPU-wise.
> I've tested it only on Windows; I'd be delighted to know how it works on
> other platforms.
> It's available for download at the head of my composition list at:
> www.arthunkins.com . In addition to a test/instruction file, and a .zip with
> all six versions (3 stereo, 3 quad), there's an .mp3 of a sample performance
> (I learned more about fout to accomplish the recording while doing
> realtime - my first try with fout, as I'd been using CsoundAV previously for
> this).
> I owe a great debt of gratitude to Dave Seidel for this piece. It was while
> doing realtime arrangements of his Sublimation that I became acquainted with
> (and enamoured of) reverbsc, as well as the spline opcodes (for adding a
> very musical "jitter"). Both of these ideas are absolutely central to my
> piece.
> Thanks, Dave.
> Art Hunkins

Date2006-03-28 22:14
FromRichard M. Otero
SubjectRe: Latest Realtime Csound5 Piece
I played the two- and four-controller versions in stereo on PowerBook 
G4 with OS X 10.3.9 and Csound 5.01.  I enjoyed the piece very much.  
The four-controller version is much more interesting to play, but they 
both worked fine.

When playing the two-controller version, these messages were printed:

> displays suppressed
> 0dBFS level = 32768.0
> MIDI channel 1 muted

> could not find indefinitely playing instr 3
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 3
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 4
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 4
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 5
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 5
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 6
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 6
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 7
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 7
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 8
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 8
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 9
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 9
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 10
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 10
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 11
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 11
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 12
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 12
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 13
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 13
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 14
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 14
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 15
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 15
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 16
> could not find indefinitely playing instr 16

The performance of the piece was not affected as far as I could tell.


On Mar 26, 2006, at 5:43 PM, Art Hunkins wrote:

> Incidentally, I'd be overjoyed if someone with OSX could try out a
> two-controller version of my latest realtime piece, Et iterum venturus 
> est
> (at www.arthunkins.com). It is performable on most MIDI keyboards - 
> those
> with a modulation wheel and a (channel) volume or data slider. (The mod
> wheel is CC#1, and the volume slider, CC#7.)