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moving a listener through 3d-space (instead of moving all else around him)

Date2006-03-25 15:48
Fromgiovanni e ada damiani
Subjectmoving a listener through 3d-space (instead of moving all else around him)
You can find this patch between the instruments in my site
unfortunately yet in italian
the second link (to zipped orc-sco salve1.zip)
Esempi di interludi di Salve follie precise,
con l'ascoltatore in movimento simulato tra le sorgenti sonore (sul 
piano sonoro quadrifonico)
instr 1 give the coordinates of listener in the plane, in meters
instr 2 filters the abruptely changes of direction (inertia)
instr 167 let the listener move the head around (add the direction to 
movements of instr 1)
the coordinates of sound sources are supplied from all the others 
The quadraphony is achieved through 2 different orchestras, that send 
the front and rear channels of quadraphinc panning
  (I made this work for a drama I realized in 1998, for chamber 
orchestra, 6 singers and 5 channel tape)
Giovanni Damiani