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New version of Ambispace and Ambidec

Date2006-03-24 23:43
FromJan Jacob Hofmann
SubjectNew version of Ambispace and Ambidec
Dear surroundsounders, csounders, musicians and friends,

I would like to announce that I just put a new version of Ambispace and 
Ambidec onto my site. It is a collection of instruments to spatialize 
up to 20 sound- sources via 2nd Order Ambisonics. New features are:

- more delight, more convenience, more reliability... more time for 

- sample rate of 48000 hz is more easy-to-use now

- 24 bit output is possible now with setting giformat=8, at least with 
ma++'s version of csound and csound 5

- lots of bugfixes

- Spatial Global Reverb (inst. 66) runs faster now

- for convenience the format, filename and kind of header can be now 
set as a global setting at the header of the orchestra

The files can be found at the "download"- site within the "practice"- 
section of my site http://www.sonicarchitecture.de

Happy csounding

Jan Jacob

sound         |         movement          |          object         |   
sonic architecture       |        site: http://www.sonicarchitecture.de
spatial electronic composition     |    2nd order ambisonic music