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Sonic Arts Research Centre
School of Music and Sonic Arts
Queen’s University Belfast
Studentships at SARC 2006/07
Funding is available for a number of awards through the Department for
Employment & Learning (DEL), Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme
(ORSAS), the European Social Fund (ESF), and Queen’s University for
postgraduate students commencing in October 2006. Awards will be
available on a competitive basis to the best-qualified candidates.
Successful candidates may be eligible for a £1000 Research Travel Fund
for per year for presentation of research at international conferences
and festivals.
The closing date for receipt of all applications is Tuesday 2nd May
2006. Applications are invited to be made electronically at
Masters in Sonic Arts (http://www.sarc.qub.ac.uk/ma)
The MA in Sonic Arts is a one year full-time taught programme that
covers multiple aspects of sound, creativity and technology. The course
takes advantage of the international cross-disciplinary team and the
unique studio and performance facilities at the Sonic Arts Research
Centre. The first semester provides students with a detailed insight
into sound and technologies used in both industrial and experimental
contexts. This semester covers topics such as the structure and function
of the ear, basic principles of auditory perception, surround sound
recording, editing, mixing, sound synthesis and design techniques. The
second semester allows students to focus on current developments in
Sonic Arts by enabling them to choose one of the following routes:
Composition & Sound Design, Computer Gaming, Media and Theory, Music
Interfaces and Interaction, and Digital Signal Processing.
Contact: Dr. Sile O'Modhrain (sile@qub.ac.uk)
PhD Programmes (http://www.sarc.qub.ac.uk/pages/phd)
The Sonic Arts Research Cluster welcomes applications for PhD in
interdisciplinary research in the areas of creativity and technology
with particular emphasis in music and audio. We particularly welcome
applications in the following areas:
Human-Computer-Interaction: Learning from Music, Signal Processing for
Audio, Performance Technologies: New Instruments and Practices,
Accessibility through, Sound and Haptics , Computer Game Audio,
Physics-based Sound Design, Practice-led Research in the Creative Arts
(Composition and New Media)
Contact: Dr. Pedro Rebelo (P.Rebelo@qub.ac.uk)
A fully funded three-year Ph.D. studentship is available on an EPSRC
research grant for study under the supervision of Dr Maarten van
Walstijn. The aim of the research project is to investigate new
techniques for extraction of physical model parameters from musical wind
instrument oscillations, on the basis of sensing and processing acoustic
signals within the instrument sound generation loop. Further details on
the project and the relevant background can be found at
Funding Applications
The Sonic Arts Research Centre (SARC) is a newly established centre of
excellence, dedicated to the research of music technology. This unique
interdisciplinary project has united internationally recognised experts
in the areas of musical composition, signal processing, internet
technology and digital hardware.
The Centre is established in a purpose-built facility located alongside
the engineering departments of Queen's University.
The centrepiece of SARC, the Sonic Laboratory, provides a unique space
for cutting-edge initiatives in the creation and delivery of music and
audio. The Sonic Laboratory's uniqueness is vested in the degree of
flexibility it can provide for experiments in 3D sound diffusion and for
ground-breaking compositional and performance work within a
purpose-built, variable acoustic space.
The Centre was completed in October 2003 and was officially opened by
Karlheinz Stockhausen during the Sonorities Festival in April 2004.
Dr. Pedro Rebelo
Director of Research
Sonic Arts Research Centre
Sonorities Festival of Contemporary Music