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TclCsound Help

Date2006-03-24 08:14
FromDavid Akbari
SubjectTclCsound Help
Hi List,

I'm trying to implement a simple display of MIDI Sliders using 
TclCsound. I've been studying the canonical examples but I cannot seem 
to ascertain how to create a Tk scale opcode that senses the outvalue 
channel correctly.

The idea, in abstract, is simply run this Csound file and have 
TclCsound display the values of 4 MIDI sliders.

Here is the code I was using - if anyone can help I'd really appreciate 

source "graph.tcl" # from canonical examples/tclcsound directory
set filename "oxy_sliders.csd" # see below

set grph 0
set sl1 0
set sl2 0
set sl3 0
set sl4 0

csCompile -odac -iadc -b1024 -B1024 -M0 -d -+noninterleaved=1 
-+rtaudio=CoreAudio $filename

csOutChannel slider1
csOutChannel slider2
csOutChannel slider3
csOutChannel slider4

labelframe .middle -text "csound control panel" -padx 20 -pady 20
frame .bottom -padx 20 -pady 20
frame .sliders -padx 20 -pady 20

proc newOrc { } {
global filename grph .table
set filename [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes "{{CSD} {.csd} TEXT}"]
if { $filename != "" } {
csCompile -odac -iadc -b1024 -B1024 -M0 -d -+noninterleaved=1 
-+rtaudio=CoreAudio $filename
if { $grph == 1} {
destroy .table

proc newGraph { } {
global grph .table
if { [csGetTableSize 1] != -1} {
if { $grph == 1 } {
destroy .table
toplevel .table -padx 4 -pady 2
GraphTable .table 200 400 1
set grph 1

pack .middle .sliders .bottom
button .bottom.open -text "open new csd" -command newOrc
button .middle.run -text "play" -command csPlay
button .middle.stop -text "stop" -command csStop
button .middle.pause -text "pause" -command csPause
button .bottom.quit -text "quit" -command exit
button .bottom.graph -text "graph" -command newGraph

# how to make a display for outvalue ?
scale .sliders.slider1 -variable sl1 -orient vertical -from 127 -to 0 
-command [list csOutValue slider1] -label "slider1" -length 300
scale .sliders.slider2 -variable sl2 -orient vertical -from 127 -to 0 
-command [list csOutValue slider2] -label "slider2" -length 300
scale .sliders.slider3 -variable sl3 -orient vertical -from 127 -to 0 
-command [list csOutValue slider3] -label "slider3" -length 300
scale .sliders.slider4 -variable sl4 -orient vertical -from 127 -to 0 
-command [list csOutValue slider4] -label "slider4" -length 300

pack .middle.run .middle.pause .middle.stop -side left
pack .bottom.open .bottom.graph  .bottom.quit -side left
pack .sliders.slider1 .sliders.slider2 .sliders.slider3 
.sliders.slider4 -side left

; referred to as "oxy_sliders.csd" above
sr	=	44100
kr	=	441
ksmps	=	100
nchnls	=	2

/*--- ---*/

		instr	1
k1	invalue	"slider1"
k2	invalue	"slider2"
k3	invalue	"slider3"
k4	invalue	"slider4"

	printk2	k01
	printk2	k02
	printk2	k03
	printk2	k04
k1	ctrl7	1, 8, 0, 127
k2	ctrl7	1, 9, 0, 127
k3	ctrl7	1, 10, 0, 127
k4	ctrl7	1, 11, 0, 127

	outvalue	"slider1", k1
;	printk2	k1
	outvalue	"slider2", k2
	outvalue	"slider3", k3
	outvalue	"slider4", k4


/*--- ---*/

i1	0	3600





Date2006-03-24 09:21
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: TclCsound Help

unfortunately, for some reason TK widgets do not seem to trace the variable
as they should. I don't know why, I could not make it work myself. I suspect
this has to do with the fact that the variable is updated at a two fast a 
rate (kr)
for Tcl. I'll think a little more about it.


At 08:14 24/03/2006, you wrote:
>Hi List,
>I'm trying to implement a simple display of MIDI Sliders using TclCsound. 
>I've been studying the canonical examples but I cannot seem to ascertain 
>how to create a Tk scale opcode that senses the outvalue channel correctly.
>The idea, in abstract, is simply run this Csound file and have TclCsound 
>display the values of 4 MIDI sliders.
>Here is the code I was using - if anyone can help I'd really appreciate it!
>source "graph.tcl" # from canonical examples/tclcsound directory
>set filename "oxy_sliders.csd" # see below
>set grph 0
>set sl1 0
>set sl2 0
>set sl3 0
>set sl4 0
>csCompile -odac -iadc -b1024 -B1024 -M0 -d -+noninterleaved=1 
>-+rtaudio=CoreAudio $filename
>csOutChannel slider1
>csOutChannel slider2
>csOutChannel slider3
>csOutChannel slider4
>labelframe .middle -text "csound control panel" -padx 20 -pady 20
>frame .bottom -padx 20 -pady 20
>frame .sliders -padx 20 -pady 20
>proc newOrc { } {
>global filename grph .table
>set filename [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes "{{CSD} {.csd} TEXT}"]
>if { $filename != "" } {
>csCompile -odac -iadc -b1024 -B1024 -M0 -d -+noninterleaved=1 
>-+rtaudio=CoreAudio $filename
>if { $grph == 1} {
>destroy .table
>proc newGraph { } {
>global grph .table
>if { [csGetTableSize 1] != -1} {
>if { $grph == 1 } {
>destroy .table
>toplevel .table -padx 4 -pady 2
>GraphTable .table 200 400 1
>set grph 1
>pack .middle .sliders .bottom
>button .bottom.open -text "open new csd" -command newOrc
>button .middle.run -text "play" -command csPlay
>button .middle.stop -text "stop" -command csStop
>button .middle.pause -text "pause" -command csPause
>button .bottom.quit -text "quit" -command exit
>button .bottom.graph -text "graph" -command newGraph
># how to make a display for outvalue ?
>scale .sliders.slider1 -variable sl1 -orient vertical -from 127 -to 0 
>-command [list csOutValue slider1] -label "slider1" -length 300
>scale .sliders.slider2 -variable sl2 -orient vertical -from 127 -to 0 
>-command [list csOutValue slider2] -label "slider2" -length 300
>scale .sliders.slider3 -variable sl3 -orient vertical -from 127 -to 0 
>-command [list csOutValue slider3] -label "slider3" -length 300
>scale .sliders.slider4 -variable sl4 -orient vertical -from 127 -to 0 
>-command [list csOutValue slider4] -label "slider4" -length 300
>pack .middle.run .middle.pause .middle.stop -side left
>pack .bottom.open .bottom.graph  .bottom.quit -side left
>pack .sliders.slider1 .sliders.slider2 .sliders.slider3 .sliders.slider4 
>-side left
># EOF
>; referred to as "oxy_sliders.csd" above
>sr      =       44100
>kr      =       441
>ksmps   =       100
>nchnls  =       2
>/*--- ---*/
>                 instr   1
>k1      invalue "slider1"
>k2      invalue "slider2"
>k3      invalue "slider3"
>k4      invalue "slider4"
>         printk2 k01
>         printk2 k02
>         printk2 k03
>         printk2 k04
>k1      ctrl7   1, 8, 0, 127
>k2      ctrl7   1, 9, 0, 127
>k3      ctrl7   1, 10, 0, 127
>k4      ctrl7   1, 11, 0, 127
>         outvalue        "slider1", k1
>;       printk2 k1
>         outvalue        "slider2", k2
>         outvalue        "slider3", k3
>         outvalue        "slider4", k4
>                 endin
>/*--- ---*/
>i1      0       3600
>; EOF
>Send bugs reports to this list.
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Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth