| Hello Michael,
Was is the difference between double precision (64-bit) and 32-bit?
p.s. Is there one better than the other?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Gogins"
To: ;
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 10:50 PM
Subject: [Csnd] New Csound 5.01 Windows installer
>I have uploaded to SourceForge a new Windows installer for Csound 5.01.
> Note the change in naming convention: Csound5.01-win-d.exe, "d" for
> "double-precision samples".
> I will produce a version with 32-bit samples in the next day or so,
> Csound5.01-win-f.exe.
> The installer has the same programs and plugins and creates the same
> directories as Istvan Varga's zip file.
> The installer also includes CsoundVST as both a GUI front-end and a VST
> plugin, tclcsound, csoundapi~, the VST opcodes, the Loris opcodes, the
> fluid
> (SoundFont) opcodes, and API autodocs in addition to the complete HTML
> manual.
> New to this installer are winsound.exe, John ffitch's Csound launcher, and
> _scoregen.dll, a Python score generator for VST hosts.
> This installer does not include sources.
> Please let me know of any bugs you find, or any suggestions you may have.
> Regards,
> Mike
> --
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