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Re: The future of winsound

Date2006-03-22 03:44
From"Michael Gogins"
SubjectRe: The future of winsound
I wanted to see this, but it doesn't build on Windows with mingw:

g++ -o winsound.exe frontends\winsound\main.o 
frontends\winsound\winsound.o -L. -L. -L\usr\local\lib -L. -L. -LC:\utah\usr\msys\1.0\local\lib 
 -LC:\utah\usr\mingw\lib -LC:\utah\opt\libsndfile-1.0.13\src\.libs -LC:\utah\opt\lazzarini 
 -LC:\utah\opt\portmidi\pm_win -LC:\utah\opt\portmidi\porttime -LC:\utah\opt\portmidi 
 -LC:\utah\opt\fltk-1.1.7\lib -LC:\WINDOWS\system32 -LC:\utah\opt\lua50\lib\mingw3 
 -LC:\utah\opt\Tcl\bin -LC:\utah\opt\fluidsynth-1.0.3-win32 -LC:\utah\opt\pd-0.38-4-devel-2\bin 
 -LC:\utah\opt\fftw-3.0.1\.libs -LC:\utah\home\mkg\projects\liblo\src\.libs  
-LC:\utah\opt\pthreads -lcsound64 -lsndfile -lfltk -lstdc++ -lsupc++ -lkernel32 
 -lgdi32 -lwsock32 -lws2_32 -lole32 -luuid -lwinmm -lkernel32 -lgdi32 -lwsock32 
 -lws2_32 -lole32 -luuid -lwinmm
frontends\winsound\main.o(.text+0x7c0): In function `Z11cs_util_opci':
frontends/winsound/main.cxx:137: undefined reference to 
undefined reference to `csoundInitModules'
undefined reference to `list_opcodes'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
scons: building terminated because of errors.


----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 4:18 PM
Subject: [Csnd] The future of winsound

> With the change to csound5 the old (MFC-based) Winsound has been
> finally buried.  However I slightly mourn its loss, and so in a fit
> of excitement yesterday I created winsound5, a GUI for csound5.
> However it is FLTK based and should run on all three platforms (and
> others).  Not totally finished yet as it is lacking some of the
> utilities, but it is in the CVS for anyone brave enough or nostalgic
> enough to want a simple launcher.
>  It has also acted as a way of trying to learn how to use the API.
> Any comments welcome; positive one especially welcome.
> ==John ffitch
> -- 
> Send bugs reports to this list.
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Date2006-03-22 04:09
FromAnthony Kozar
SubjectRe: The future of winsound
These functions are no longer being exported.  They were public while Csound
5 was in beta but are not any longer.  (Although they might have function
pointers in the CSOUND struct -- I am not sure).

Anthony Kozar
anthonykozar AT sbcglobal DOT net

Michael Gogins wrote on 3/21/06 10:44 PM:

> frontends/winsound/main.cxx:137: undefined reference to
> `csoundLoadExternals'
> frontends\winsound\main.o(.text+0x7cd):frontends/winsound/main.cxx:138:
> undefined reference to `csoundInitModules'

Date2006-03-22 11:26
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: The future of winsound