| The max amplitude of randh output samples will be abs(10) in the
first case and abs(20) in the second. So k1 in the first case can only be a
in between -10 and 10; and between -20 and 20 in the second case.
The duration of a note in score events (i-statements) is p3. So
you can use p3 as you please in an instrument.
At 09:38 21/03/2006, you wrote:
>There is a thing that I did not undertood with the
>What are the difference in theory between :
>k1 randh 10, 440
>a1 oscil p4, k1, 1
>out a1
>k1 randh 20, 440
>a1 oscil p4, k1, 1
>out a1
>and would it be possible then to link this opcode to
>the duration of each note ?
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Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth |