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missing python24.dll for csound 5.01

Date2006-03-20 13:02
FromStéphane Rollandin
Subjectmissing python24.dll for csound 5.01
hello list,

I just installed csound 5.01 in a fresh WinXP system. When doing

csound -z

I get a (non-fatal) error via an annoying pop-up window complaining that 
python24.dll can not be found. is this a bug or am I missing something ?

hopefully python is not required to run csound5. or is it ?



Date2006-03-20 13:21
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: missing python24.dll for csound 5.01

Date2006-03-20 14:44
FromStéphane Rollandin
SubjectRe: missing python24.dll for csound 5.01
Istvan Varga wrote:
> python24.dll is needed by the Python opcodes. You can either install
> Python, or just find and delete any file named 'py.dll' in the Csound
> installation and get rid of the message, assuming that you do not need
> those opcodes.
> Note that 5.01 should only print the warning when using the -z or -z1
> option to list opcodes, and not when compiling an orchestra that does
> not use any Python opcodes.

ok, thanks for your explanation

there is however a problem (for me at least) with this behavior: my 
emacs package csound-x currently uses -z in order to generate a list of 
all supported opcodes.

this is now broken for users who do not have Python installed.

would it be possible to have the error message simply be displayed via 
stdout instead of apppearing in a pop-up windows ? this would fix the 
problem for me. more generally, it would IMHO be more consistent since 
one would not expect a GUI to appear after a command-line invocation 
such as "csound -z"



Date2006-03-20 15:15
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: missing python24.dll for csound 5.01

Date2006-03-20 15:49
FromStéphane Rollandin
SubjectRe: missing python24.dll for csound 5.01
Istvan Varga wrote:
> On Monday 20 March 2006 15:44, Stéphane Rollandin wrote:
>> would it be possible to have the error message simply be displayed via 
>> stdout instead of apppearing in a pop-up windows ?
> The pop-up is generated by Windows, and not by Csound. Other than installing
> Python, the only way to avoid it is to not attempt to load py.dll (which
> depends on python24.dll) - this is what happens if you do not use -z, or to
> delete py.dll.

hmm... ok I'll try to work around this, probably by getting the opcodes 
list from the manual instead of the csound binary itself.

still I think this is a very akward behavior altogether since we can not 
safely rely on csound -z, making this facility less useful than it used 
to be...

thanks for your answers,
