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Re: Simulating a "bang"

Date2006-03-17 17:43
From"Art Hunkins"
SubjectRe: Simulating a "bang"
To further develop, how about:

ktog init 0
kstatus, kchan, kdata1, kdata2 midiin
ktog = ((kstatus == 192) && (kdata1 == pgm#))? 1-ktog: ktog)

Art Hunkins

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chuckk Hubbard" 
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Csnd] Simulating a "bang"

ktog = 1-ktog?
Then whatever trigger you want could goto that segment.
For a bang, what about "trigger" w mode 2.

On 3/17/06, David Akbari  wrote:
> Hi List,
> What's the easiest way to simulate a bang a la Pure Data ?
> I ask because of the idea of implementing toggles, switches, et al
> My idea is simply to send for example program change message with value
> "1" having this value toggle some arbitrary parameter... such an idea
> is trivial in Pd but I am uncertain of a really good and efficient way
> to do this in Csound.
> How can I make a variable = 1 when program change 1 is sent then
> variable = 0 when this same message is received a second time ?
> TIA,
> -David
> --
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Date2006-03-19 02:05
FromDavid Akbari
SubjectRe: Simulating a "bang"
Thank you both, Art and Chuckk.

I have found the idea of the question mark "syntactic sugar" to be a 
very good solution.

Trigger with mode 2 should also work well but I like the question mark 
idea because it can also be used to implement hysteresis among many 
other things. It's likely I will be using both.

Thank you both once again for your help!


On Mar 17, 2006, at 12:43 PM, Art Hunkins wrote:

> To further develop, how about:
> ktog init 0
> kstatus, kchan, kdata1, kdata2 midiin
> ktog = ((kstatus == 192) && (kdata1 == pgm#))? 1-ktog: ktog)
> Art Hunkins
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chuckk Hubbard" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 11:16 AM
> Subject: Re: [Csnd] Simulating a "bang"
> ktog = 1-ktog?
> Then whatever trigger you want could goto that segment.
> For a bang, what about "trigger" w mode 2.

Date2006-03-24 08:46
FromDavid Akbari
SubjectRe: Simulating a "bang"
As a followup to this thread, here is the way I ended up implementing 
it. I post this purely out of fondness for pedagogy.

The GUI basically just uses a checkbox object in Ma++'s MacCsound which 
is basically just a named channel that accepts values 0 and 1, for off 
and on respectively.

Incidentally, is there a way to disable Csound's default behavior of 
changing which instrument MIDI input is assigned to via program change 
messages ?

; one checkbox version
;  the idea is get program change message 2 in
;  display a toggle on the GUI checkbox

sr		=	44100
kr		=	441
ksmps	=	100
nchnls	=	2

gkcheck1	init	0

		opcode  footarray, kk, 0

kstatus, kchan, kd1, kd2        midiin

kval  =  0

if      (kstatus == 176 && kd1 == 32) then
kval    =       0
elseif  (kstatus == 192) then
knum    =       kd1
kval    =       1

	xout    knum, kval

/*--- ---*/

		instr	1

knum, kval	footarray

if	(knum == 1 && kval == 1) then
gkcheck1	=	(gkcheck1 + 1) % 2

	outvalue	"checkbex1", gkcheck1
	printk2	gkcheck1


/*--- ---*/

i1	0	3600


Version: 3
Render: Real
Ask: Yes
Functions: ioObject
WindowBounds: 242 44 914 789
Options: -b1024 -A -s -m7 -K -R

ioView background {0, 3818, 65535}
ioListing {7, 3} {374, 642}
ioCheckbox {436, 73} {30, 30} off checkbex1

; 4 checkbox version
;  uses pgm change messages
;  2-5

sr		=	44100
kr		=	441
ksmps	=	100
nchnls	=	2

gkcheck1	init	0
gkcheck2	init	0
gkcheck3	init	0
gkcheck4	init	0

		opcode  footarray, kk, 0

kstatus, kchan, kd1, kd2        midiin

kval  =  0

if      (kstatus == 176 && kd1 == 32) then
kval    =       0
elseif  (kstatus == 192) then
knum    =       kd1
kval    =       1

	xout    knum, kval

/*--- ---*/

		instr	1

knum, kval	footarray

if	(knum == 1 && kval == 1) then
gkcheck1	=	(gkcheck1 + 1) % 2
elseif	(knum == 2 && kval == 1) then
gkcheck2	=	(gkcheck2 + 1) % 2
elseif	(knum == 3 && kval == 1) then
gkcheck3	=	(gkcheck3 + 1) % 2
elseif	(knum == 4 && kval == 1) then
gkcheck4	=	(gkcheck4 + 1) % 2

	outvalue	"checkbex1", gkcheck1
	outvalue	"checkbex2", gkcheck2
	outvalue	"checkbex3", gkcheck3
	outvalue	"checkbex4", gkcheck4

;	printk2	gkcheck1
;	printk2	gkcheck2
;	printk2	gkcheck3
;	printk2	gkcheck4


/*--- ---*/

i1	0	3600


Version: 3
Render: Real
Ask: Yes
Functions: None
WindowBounds: 242 44 914 789
Options: -b1024 -A -s -m7 -K -R

ioView background {0, 3818, 65535}
ioListing {7, 3} {374, 642}
ioCheckbox {438, 69} {30, 30} off checkbex1
ioCheckbox {439, 108} {30, 30} off checkbex2
ioCheckbox {440, 144} {30, 30} off checkbex3
ioCheckbox {441, 180} {30, 30} off checkbex4
