| There is a first draft of API documentation in the Windows installer, as a PDF. Mostly, it is autodocs from comments in code, but there is a page or two about what particular subset of the API is for what, which modules or header files to use, and so on.
-----Original Message-----
>From: Victor Lazzarini
>Sent: Mar 16, 2006 5:39 PM
>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: Re: [Csnd] python api, linux, howto
>I think the API you have been discussing is for csound 5.
>The API documentation is still non-existent, but I hope
>we'll get round to do it. However, you can look at
>csound.h, csound.hpp and csnd.py. The c functions and C++
>class are mirrored in Python (and Java), so the C/C++ header
>files will be meaningful. The functions etc are explained
>in the header files.
>Michael was going to rewrite his python examples to use
>the Python API, but I am not sure whether he got round to
>> Hi
>> I hear all this talk about the API, Iain seems to be using
>> it, I want in :-)
>> So I need some starters: Am I supposed to install csoundAV
>> , and if so how is that done on linux? I normally install
>> from cvs...
>> Where do I find documentation on the API, I'm esp.
>> interrested in the python API? Some examples, some
>> explanations to get me started.
>> Thanks in advance for any response!
>> --
>> peace, love & harmony
>> Atte
>> http://www.atte.dk
>> --
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