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Re: python api, linux, howto

Date2006-03-16 22:57
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: python api, linux, howto
There is a first draft of API documentation in the Windows installer, as a PDF. Mostly, it is autodocs from comments in code, but there is a page or two about what particular subset of the API is for what, which modules or header files to use, and so on.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Victor Lazzarini 
>Sent: Mar 16, 2006 5:39 PM
>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: Re: [Csnd] python api, linux, howto
>I think the API you have been discussing is for csound 5.
>The API documentation is still non-existent, but I hope
>we'll get round to do it. However, you can look at
>csound.h, csound.hpp and csnd.py. The c functions and C++
>class are mirrored in Python (and Java), so the C/C++ header
>files will be meaningful. The functions etc are explained
>in the header files.
>Michael was going to rewrite his python examples to use
>the Python API, but I am not sure whether he got round to
>> Hi
>> I hear all this talk about the API, Iain seems to be using
>> it, I want in :-)
>> So I need some starters: Am I supposed to install csoundAV
>> , and if so  how is that done on linux? I normally install
>> from cvs...
>> Where do I find documentation on the API, I'm esp.
>> interrested in the  python API? Some examples, some
>> explanations to get me started.
>> Thanks in advance for any response!
>> --
>> peace, love & harmony
>> Atte
>> http://www.atte.dk
>> --
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>Send bugs reports to this list.
>To unsubscribe, send email to csound-unsubscribe@lists.bath.ac.uk

Date2006-03-17 04:58
FromAnthony Kozar
SubjectRe: python api, linux, howto
Is there currently any place to obtain this PDF other than the Windows
installer?  Maybe in the near future, it could be added to the manual
packages, posted on the Sourceforge web site, or something else such as

To Atte:  I think that Istvan Varga posted some examples of using the Python
API to either this list or the developer list towards the end of last year
(Maybe last October, early Novemeber?).  There are also these files in
Csound 5 CVS:


(The other examples don't look quite so up-to-date or require extra packages
from what I can tell).


Michael Gogins wrote on 3/16/06 5:57 PM:

> There is a first draft of API documentation in the Windows installer, as a
> PDF. Mostly, it is autodocs from comments in code, but there is a page or two
> about what particular subset of the API is for what, which modules or header
> files to use, and so on.