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Drawing a score

Date2006-03-14 07:26
From"Chuckk Hubbard"
SubjectDrawing a score
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Date2006-03-14 07:44
From"Chuckk Hubbard"
SubjectRe: Drawing a score
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Date2006-03-14 10:34
FromJean-Michel DARREMONT
SubjectRe: Drawing a score
You can do that with Max or Open Music as well.
I work on Mac but they are both supposed to work on Windows as well.
In max you need the "csound~" external object, and in OM the "Om2Csound" library.
The 2 softwares are expensive but they both worth the expense. 
Controling CSound is actually just a small part of what they can do.

Le 14 mars 06 à 08:26, Chuckk Hubbard a écrit :

I ended up going to Pure Data for this because I couldn't find a way in Csound.  A normal sequencer doesn't work for the sort of free microtuning I want.
I went back to Csound to check, though, as Pure Data has some limitations.  I like that Csound has the xyin opcode (though the example in the manual doesn't work for me)... Pure Data's scalars can only be added by typing.
But the thing I'm wondering, that I don't see in the manual, is whether it is possible to set up drawing instructions for score events.  Or generic drawing instructions that could be processed in real time to trigger score events.  I see a bitmap-scanning example in the CsoundAV documentation; this would be pretty close, but I would want the ability to edit the picture.  Between xyin and sensekey, I should be able to work out a way to give editing commands, but could Csound draw notes in response to mouse clicks?
I don't see anything for a) drawing arbitrary objects or b) sensing mouse clicks or releases.
Are these abilities there?

"It is not when truth is dirty, but when it is shallow, that the lover of knowledge is reluctant to step into its waters."
-Friedrich Nietzsche, "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"

Date2006-03-14 12:15
From"Chuckk Hubbard"
SubjectRe: Drawing a score
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Date2006-03-14 13:47
From"Michael Duffy"
SubjectRe: Drawing a score
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Date2007-11-06 16:58
From"Chuckk Hubbard"
Subject[Csnd] Re: Drawing a score
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Date2007-11-06 17:31
FromRory Walsh
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Drawing a score
If faced with a challenge like yours I would personally use C++ or 
python as a) I find the syntax simple to understand, especially python 
and b) there seems to be a large number of C++/python experts on this 
list who are normally more than willing to help others with problems 
they are having. Victor has lots of experience with tcl/tk which is 
hardly surprising given that he developed the TclCsound interface you 
refer to but I'm not sure how many others on the list have experience 
using it. Perhaps you already have a good working knowledge of tcl/tk, 
in that case I'm sure you won't have any problems in achieving you goals.


Chuckk Hubbard wrote:
> I remembered wishing for graphics for Csound in the past, and looked up 
> this old post.
> A year