| Thanks for the report (I always use the floats version anyway, never bothered
with the doubles... even for 'tape' pieces. But it's good to know).
At 03:54 01/03/2006, you wrote:
>I've been comparing csound.exe and csound32.exe with respect to realtime
>performance. (Csound.exe is the 64-bit, "higher precision" version.)
>I can report that csound32.exe has a small but significant advantage as to
>what it can handle without breakup compared with csound.exe. I'm currently
>working on a .csd which runs fine at 44100SR with csound32.exe, but breaks
>up with csound.exe. (I imagine the difference is comparable to the
>difference in render times for the two versions.)
>That being the case, I'd recommend csound32.exe for all realtime use (on
>Windows anyway). This means you need to install from the .zip distribution
>(Varga) rather than the Gogins installer .exe, as the Gogins distro only
>contains csound.exe - not csound32.exe.
>Art Hunkins
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Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth |