| Do I vaguely recall an issue where Windows 2000 loads shared libraries
differently than Windows XP, which is the only version version of Windows
that I can test?
If so then making a copy of _CsoundVST.dll named _CsoundVST (no .dll!) might
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven Yi"
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2006 8:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Csnd] Newcomer's Questions
Hi Bruce,
None of the developers I know have done anything but try to make the
process of installing Csound as easy as they can make it. For most,
the installer built by Michael Gogins *has* worked without problems.
Obviously, it is not perfect yet as is evidenced by your experience,
but I would consider this simply another step we have to make to get
things better. Your reports and input on things that are not working
are incredibly useful to help iron things out and get the next release
that much better.
If things aren't answered immediately, give the list another chance.
Everyone here is often busy with one thing or another and while we try
to give back time to helping others, sometimes things happen to slip
through the email jungle and we forget to reply to things. Writing a
second email is welcome if a question is unanswered satisfactorily and
sometimes helps others help you.
That said, I happen to have an older computer with Windows 2000 on it.
I downloaded Michael Gogins' latest 5.01beta installer, made sure I
removed references to my own compiled version, and ran the installer,
accepting all defaults. After installation, I was able to run the
csound commandline but trying to run CsoundVST, either from the
commandline or double-clicking the executable within the windows file
explorer, gave me an "Unable to locate dll" message dialog, saying
"The dynamic link library _CsoundVST could not be found in the
specified path..." with my PATH printed afterwards. _CsoundVST.dll is
found on my system in c:\Program Files\Csound\bin, which was also
listed in the PATH in the error message.
Running the commandline version with Dr. Boulanger's trappedrt.csd in
the examples folder, I had to change the buffer settings to -b1024
-b8192 (using onboard soundcard and -+rtaudio=mme) to get it to render
in realtime on this computer.
For CsoundVST, I don't know what's going on, but perhaps someone else
here knows the answer (Michael? btw: PYTHONPATH is set to c;\Program
Files\Csound\bin, so I don't think that is it unless spaces in names
is not supported). For environment settings on Windows 2000, you
should right-click the "My Computer" icon on the desktop, choose
properties, go to Advanced and click the "Environment Variables"
button. From the System variables section on the bottom, youc an see
what variables are defined as well as edit them (i.e. CSOUNDRC,
And btw: if you don't need anything in Csound5 and happy to use
csound4, it's still there to use, but without any support by
developers, in the same way that Word 97 works perfectly well for many
people, and with the same expectation that you won't get Microsoft to
fix any bugs in it if you find any.
On 2/26/06, Bruce Lamb wrote:
> This is the experience I have had with Csounds 5 on Windows 2000. The damn
> thing dosen't install correctly and I was not able to get much of a
> straight
> answer from anyone on how to get it to work. In addition, one bozo assumed
> I
> had no experience with Csound when I have been rendering csound files for
> 2
> years now with Csound 4.23 which is now "obsolete" supposedly. My question
> to all the developers out there is the following: For all us
> non-programmer
> developer types will a version an actual working version of Csound 5 be
> made? Where we don't have to go typing some god forsaken environmental
> variables somewhere on our computer. In other words, a working program
> that
> installs correctly on its own like Csound 4.23 did.
> If the answer is no than I am going to quit using Csound because if this
> list is only for programmers than it is not the place or program for
> non-programmers. Yes, I am pissed off because I don't understand why this
> new version of Csound 5 is still a mess when it is considered not a beta
> release anymore. I don't mind learning the Csound language because that
> was
> expected with the system, but I do mind when I have to deal with all this
> other garbage. You can't not tell me that the damn thing cannot be made to
> work on install when other programs do. That to me is not a install when
> it
> does not install even after I have the other stuff such as Python 2.4
> installed on my computer as well per instructions. As far as the
> environmental variables where exactly do those go? That was not made clear
> and the instructions still talk about python 2.3 when everyone says that
> you
> need python 2.4 -update it.
> B.
> >I read "for developers only" in the download section for Csound5. Being a
> >developer with some experience, I thought "Hey! here I go!" It turned out
> >the my install on FreeBSD required installing so many dependencies (stk,
> >fluid libsndfile and many more) and each dependency install was fraught
> >with so many dependency problems of their own, that after 3 days, I gave
> >up
> >and decided to wait for the official release. Windows installs may be
> >easier, I don't know, but the warning of a 'not easy' install is there.
> >Peter
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