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Re: Newcomer's Questions

Date2006-02-27 00:28
From"Marc Demers"
SubjectRe: Newcomer's Questions
Hi Bruce,

Was is your problem? Tell me on what system you are trying to install 
Csound? Windows? Linux?

- mdd

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bruce Lamb" 
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2006 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Csnd] Newcomer's Questions

> This is the experience I have had with Csounds 5 on Windows 2000. The damn 
> thing dosen't install correctly and I was not able to get much of a 
> straight answer from anyone on how to get it to work. In addition, one 
> bozo assumed I had no experience with Csound when I have been rendering 
> csound files for 2 years now with Csound 4.23 which is now "obsolete" 
> supposedly. My question to all the developers out there is the following: 
> For all us non-programmer developer types will a version an actual working 
> version of Csound 5 be made? Where we don't have to go typing some god 
> forsaken environmental variables somewhere on our computer. In other 
> words, a working program that installs correctly on its own like Csound 
> 4.23 did.
> If the answer is no than I am going to quit using Csound because if this 
> list is only for programmers than it is not the place or program for 
> non-programmers. Yes, I am pissed off because I don't understand why this 
> new version of Csound 5 is still a mess when it is considered not a beta 
> release anymore. I don't mind learning the Csound language because that 
> was expected with the system, but I do mind when I have to deal with all 
> this other garbage. You can't not tell me that the damn thing cannot be 
> made to work on install when other programs do. That to me is not a 
> install when it does not install even after I have the other stuff such as 
> Python 2.4 installed on my computer as well per instructions. As far as 
> the environmental variables where exactly do those go? That was not made 
> clear and the instructions still talk about python 2.3 when everyone says 
> that you need python 2.4 -update it.
> B.
>>I read "for developers only" in the download section for Csound5. Being a 
>>developer with some experience, I thought "Hey! here I go!" It turned out 
>>the my install on FreeBSD required installing so many dependencies  (stk, 
>>fluid libsndfile and many more) and each dependency install was fraught 
>>with so many dependency problems of their own, that after 3 days, I gave 
>>up and decided to wait for the official release. Windows installs may be 
>>easier, I don't know, but the warning of a 'not easy' install is there.
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