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[Cs-dev] New Windows installer for Csound 5.01 beta

Date2006-02-25 16:49
FromMichael Gogins
Subject[Cs-dev] New Windows installer for Csound 5.01 beta
I have uploaded a new Windows installer for Csound 5.01 beta to http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/csound/Csound5.01b-win32.exe?download. 

This release contains new partial track processing opcodes and an updated manual to reflect them. 

This release also includes bug fixes since 5.00 and PortMidi support on Windows.

See the ChangeLog for details.

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Date2006-02-25 17:33
FromMartin Peach
SubjectRe: New Windows installer for Csound 5.01 beta
Just wondering -- Is it necessary to uninstall the previous version 
before installing the new one?


Michael Gogins wrote:

>I have uploaded a new Windows installer for Csound 5.01 beta to http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/csound/Csound5.01b-win32.exe?download. 
>This release contains new partial track processing opcodes and an updated manual to reflect them. 
>This release also includes bug fixes since 5.00 and PortMidi support on Windows.
>See the ChangeLog for details.