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Re: ANN: new opcodes

Date2006-02-24 15:56
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: ANN: new opcodes
Thanks, I will try to get a new Windows installer with this (and updated manual also) into SourceForge before Monday.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Victor Lazzarini 
>Sent: Feb 24, 2006 9:49 AM
>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: [Csnd] ANN: new opcodes
>A number of streaming partial track processing opcodes
>have been added to Csound5 sources in CVS. These should
>be available in the next binary release. Manual pages have
>also been added to the manual CVS repository.
>Here's a summary of additions:
>fsig  trscale    fin, kscl[, kgain]
>Frequency scaling (pitch-shifting).
>fsig  trshift     fin,kshift[,kgain]
>Frequency shifting.
>fsig1, fsig2  trsplit      fin,ksplit[,kgain1, kgain2]
>Track splitting.
>fsig   trmix   fin1,fin2
>Track mixing.
>fsig, kfreq,kamp   trhighest   fin, kgain
>Extracts highest track.
>fsig,kfreq,kamp  trlowest   fin,kgain
>Extracts lowest track.
>fsig    trfilter   fin,kamnt, ifn
>Filters tracks using amplitude response on a function-table
>fsig   trcross    fin1, fin2, ksrch, kdepth [, kmode]
>Cross-synthesis of tracks (ksrch is 'search interval ratio')
>fsig   binit   fin, ifftsize
>Creates an amp-freq bin-frame from a tracks input.
>More details & examples on the manual pages.
>Victor Lazzarini
>Music Technology Laboratory
>Music Department
>National University of Ireland, Maynooth 
>Send bugs reports to this list.
>To unsubscribe, send email to csound-unsubscribe@lists.bath.ac.uk

Date2006-02-24 16:02
FromMark Polishook
Subjectplist - Mac OS X
with csound5, i have this file





.... but Csound5.app doesn't seem to know it's there. But it should,  
yes? (Or am I missing something obvious?)

Date2006-02-24 17:49
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: plist - Mac OS X
As far as I can see any OSX application, including the 'terminal', will
see the environment variable SFDIR if you set it in environment.plist
So Csound5.app should see and use SFDIR.

In my OSX 10.4 I have this and it works OK.


At least that's how it has always worked in my  OSX machines here,
10.3 or 10.4.

Of course that's only going to work for the user in question.
What does Csound5.app report when you try to render to
a file? Does it say it can't open the file? Then it probably means that
SFDIR is not set.

Another thing: for the environment.plist  to be picked up, you have
to log out and log in again, after the first time you created or modified
the file.

At 16:02 24/02/2006, you wrote:
>with csound5, i have this file
>      SFDIR
>      /Users/polishoo/CsoundAudio/
>.... but Csound5.app doesn't seem to know it's there. But it should,
>yes? (Or am I missing something obvious?)
>Send bugs reports to this list.
>To unsubscribe, send email to csound-unsubscribe@lists.bath.ac.uk

Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth 

Date2006-02-24 18:11
FromMark Polishook
SubjectRe: plist - Mac OS X
thanks victor.

it's working now. maybe two things to note for INSTALLATION/README  
notes -

1. the environment.plist example in the distro shows something like this

echo  ......

as per your file, i removed echo .... maybe this is too obvious to  
mention, but it was one thing to diagnose.

2. perhaps this too

> for the environment.plist  to be picked up, you have
> to log out and log in again, after the first time you created or  
> modified
> the file.

should be in the README.

i hope these are helpful comments. thanks very much.


On Feb 24, 2006, at 12:49 PM, Victor Lazzarini wrote:

> As far as I can see any OSX application, including the 'terminal',  
> will
> see the environment variable SFDIR if you set it in environment.plist
> So Csound5.app should see and use SFDIR.
> In my OSX 10.4 I have this and it works OK.
>  "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
>         OPCODEDIR
>         /Library/Frameworks/CsoundLib.Framework/Resources/ 
> Opcodes
>         SFDIR
>         /Users/victor/audio
> At least that's how it has always worked in my  OSX machines here,
> 10.3 or 10.4.
> Of course that's only going to work for the user in question.
> What does Csound5.app report when you try to render to
> a file? Does it say it can't open the file? Then it probably means  
> that
> SFDIR is not set.
> Another thing: for the environment.plist  to be picked up, you have
> to log out and log in again, after the first time you created or  
> modified
> the file.
> At 16:02 24/02/2006, you wrote:
>> with csound5, i have this file
>> echo 
>> > "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd";>
>>      SFDIR
>>      /Users/polishoo/CsoundAudio/
>> at
>> /Users/polishoo/.MacOSX/environment.plist.
>> .... but Csound5.app doesn't seem to know it's there. But it should,
>> yes? (Or am I missing something obvious?)
>> --
>> Send bugs reports to this list.
>> To unsubscribe, send email to csound-unsubscribe@lists.bath.ac.uk
> Victor Lazzarini
> Music Technology Laboratory
> Music Department
> National University of Ireland, Maynooth
> -- 
> Send bugs reports to this list.
> To unsubscribe, send email to csound-unsubscribe@lists.bath.ac.uk