| Thanks, I will try to get a new Windows installer with this (and updated manual also) into SourceForge before Monday.
-----Original Message-----
>From: Victor Lazzarini
>Sent: Feb 24, 2006 9:49 AM
>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: [Csnd] ANN: new opcodes
>A number of streaming partial track processing opcodes
>have been added to Csound5 sources in CVS. These should
>be available in the next binary release. Manual pages have
>also been added to the manual CVS repository.
>Here's a summary of additions:
>fsig trscale fin, kscl[, kgain]
>Frequency scaling (pitch-shifting).
>fsig trshift fin,kshift[,kgain]
>Frequency shifting.
>fsig1, fsig2 trsplit fin,ksplit[,kgain1, kgain2]
>Track splitting.
>fsig trmix fin1,fin2
>Track mixing.
>fsig, kfreq,kamp trhighest fin, kgain
>Extracts highest track.
>fsig,kfreq,kamp trlowest fin,kgain
>Extracts lowest track.
>fsig trfilter fin,kamnt, ifn
>Filters tracks using amplitude response on a function-table
>fsig trcross fin1, fin2, ksrch, kdepth [, kmode]
>Cross-synthesis of tracks (ksrch is 'search interval ratio')
>fsig binit fin, ifftsize
>Creates an amp-freq bin-frame from a tracks input.
>More details & examples on the manual pages.
>Victor Lazzarini
>Music Technology Laboratory
>Music Department
>National University of Ireland, Maynooth
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