| Thanky ou for all answers. The option with MidiPipe seams to work very well!
David Akbari schrieb:
> One solution that I use on the same OS (Mac OS 10.3.9) is as Art alludes
to, in a software multiplexing solution.
> Although MIDIOx is not compatible with Mac OS at present time, you will
find a freeware equivalent in MidiPipe
> http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/mac/16154
> Basically you just put all of your inputs into the "pipe" and then send
their muxed output to MidiPipe's virtual output and then you tell Csound
to read MIDI from that device.
> Typically in practice this virtual port will be the number of midi
devices already present on the system + 1, such as -M2 for example.
> -David
> On Feb 21, 2006, at 9:55 AM, Art Hunkins wrote:
>> Several possibilities:
>> 1) Hardware-merge the devices using one device's MIDI through
connection, or
>> use a MIDI merge box;
>> 2) On Windows, use a software-merge utility like MIDIOx
>> (http://www.midiox.com - free download).
>> Both methods work well where appropriate.
>> Art Hunkins
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Istvan Varga"
>> To:
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 5:31 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Csnd] midi devices
>> On Tuesday 21 February 2006 11:15, Luís Antunes Pena wrote:
>>> I'm trying a simple real time midi instrument with a keyboard and a midi
>>> controller with several faders. Csound seams to recognize only one device
>>> even writing the flags -M0 -M1. Is there any limitation to the number of
>>> devices?
>> You can only read one device at a time; if there are multiple -M options,
>> the last one will take effect.