Csound5.00-win32 question
Date | 2006-02-21 17:40 |
From | Tetsuya Miwa |
Subject | Csound5.00-win32 question |
Hi, I installed Csound5.00-win32-2006-02-14 and have some questions. I can't run \Csound\example\fl.csd by CsoundVST. I can't see FLTK window and get no sound. Is this a bug or a setting problem in my PC ? And second question is: There is "csnd.jar" in \Csound\interfaces. But I get following error message when I click this jar file. "Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from D:\Csound \interfaces\java\csnd.jar" What is this jar file and how can I get this run ? I installed Csound5 in D:\Csound and confirmed environment variables set correctly. I have also installed JAVA2 SDK1.4.2 and Python2.4.2. Any help would be appreciated. Regards, Tetsuya |
Date | 2006-02-21 17:49 |
From | Istvan Varga |
Subject | Re: Csound5.00-win32 question |
Attachments | None |
Date | 2006-02-21 18:05 |
From | Tetsuya Miwa |
Subject | Re: Csound5.00-win32 question |
I see... Thank you for your prompt reply ! tetsuya On 2006/02/22, at 2:49, Istvan Varga wrote: > On Tuesday 21 February 2006 18:40, Tetsuya Miwa wrote: > >> I can't run \Csound\example\fl.csd by CsoundVST. I can't see FLTK >> window and get no sound. Is this a bug or a setting problem in my >> PC ? > > The use of FLTK graphs and widgets is currently limited to the command > line frontend (csound.exe). > -- > Send bugs reports to this list. > To unsubscribe, send email to csound-unsubscribe@lists.bath.ac.uk |