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libstdutil.so is broken!

Date2006-02-13 17:36
FromJeremy Henty
Subjectlibstdutil.so is broken!

Date2006-02-13 17:42
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: libstdutil.so is broken!

Date2006-02-13 17:44
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: libstdutil.so is broken!
The problem is that the plugin libs have changed, so there is a
conflict between your old plugins and the new ones. libstdutil is a
new one. Your old ones need deleting, not this one. My suggestion
is that you delete everything and do a clean build.


At 17:36 13/02/2006, you wrote:

>Building Csound5 from source installs a broken plugin
>/usr/lib/csound/plugins/libstdutil.so .  The csound executable dies
>instantly with "Error in pre-initialisation function of module
>'libstdutil.so'".  If I delete that plugin it runs OK (at least on a
>simple test CSD file).
>Strangely, I've been successfully running a Csound I updated from CVS
>late last year.  That version doesn't install this plugin.
>It can't be right that have to delete this file to get Csound to run,
>so how do I fix this?  System details as follows:
>$ uname -a
>Linux omphalos #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Feb 11 06:32:45 GMT 2006 i686 
>athlon-4 i386 GNU/Linux
>Jeremy Henty
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Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth 

Date2006-02-13 17:48
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: libstdutil.so is broken!

Date2006-02-13 18:32
FromJeremy Henty
SubjectRe: FIXED! libstdutil.so is broken!