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Re: Algorithmic composition - the simplest model

Date2006-02-12 23:01
From"Barton Price"
SubjectRe: Algorithmic composition - the simplest model
>I.e., most music has counterpoint, melody, rhythm, dynamics, 
> harmony, articulartion, etc. What can we discard and still have music?

Given that music is so driven by perception (some can interpret as music
what others would call noise) I would think it is possible to discard
all of those attributes.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Mossey [mailto:mpm@alumni.caltech.edu] 
> Sent: Monday, 13 February 2006 11:30 a.m.
> To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
> Subject: Re: [Csnd] Algorithmic composition - the simplest model
> > I do not think there is a "simplest" model for algorithmic 
> composition 
> > that will actually produce satisfying music. Composing music is a 
> > complex operation, where a great many factors are considered, some 
> > more clearly and intellectually than others.
> Hi Oeyvind,
> Thanks for the response. Let me point out that I wasn't 
> really talking about the simplest algorithm, but rather the 
> simplest model for music itself.
> I.e., most music has counterpoint, melody, rhythm, dynamics, 
> harmony, articulartion, etc. What can we discard and still have music?
> Personally, I need rhythm that is "alive" (not purely 
> metronomic) and dynamics. But that's it! Just beating on a drum.
> I enjoy pieces that are single melodies. But they need 
> articulation, lively rhythm, and dynamics for me to actually 
> enjoy them. So IOW a melody has eveything beating on a drum 
> has, with the addition of pitch. So it is more complicated.
> >
> > But, in response to the "beating of a drum" idea Michael (Mossey) 
> > mentioned, I would like to point to a simple method for generating 
> > complex rhythms. If you use a sine waveform, letting a 
> trigger go off 
> > every time the wave goes from positive to negative (on zero 
> crossing), 
> > you would get a metronomic rhythm trigger.
> > One nice thing about this is that it (at least 
> conceptually) takes into
> > account the "motion required to hit the drum", e.g. the 
> wave has to go
> > back to positive to be able to do another zero crossing. 
> This resembles a
> > simple model of a hand hitting a drum.
> > I you use FM on this sine wave, you will get more and more 
> complex rhythms
> > the more modulation index you use. If using phase 
> modulation instead of
> > FM, you can keep the basic tempo steady while modulating.
> > Futher on, you might use the same concept to make rhythms 
> out of sound
> > segments (played very slowly). This will make very chaotic 
> rhythms from
> > noisy sounds, and regular beats out of harmonic sounds. For 
> bass drum
> > beats that have a noisy attack and a clear pitch following 
> the attack, you
> > get a chaotic to steady evolution in the output.
> > Still, this is a simple idea, and without connecting it to 
> some system
> > with a musical knowledge of "what is this piece going to 
> sound like, and
> > what are the other simultaneous voices doing", I think the 
> output will be
> > interesting but rudimentary.
> Interesting idea.
> >
> > I am working on a system now, where I will try to build in 
> som sort of 
> > musical knowledge. I do not propose that my new system will be the 
> > answers to anyone's prayers but my own. I might have mentioned this 
> > setup before on this list. My basic thought is to use a "pool-rule" 
> > setup, where one algorithm generates a set of beleivable 
> candidates (a 
> > pool) for the next value, then these candidates are filtered and 
> > weighted by applying rules. The rules might simply be "prefer 
> > ascending pitches", or in more complex cases they might say"try to 
> > keep all simultaneous voices withing the notes of a certain chord, 
> > while maintaining smooth voice leading, prefer fast rhythms, and 
> > prefer rhythm attacks that are not time-simultaneous with the other 
> > simultaneoulsy sounding voices" or something like that. The 
> previous 
> > sentence will of course be split into separate rules, and the rules 
> > can be weighted agains each other. Sometimes rules will 
> conflict, but 
> > that does not matter (in real life they do so too...), the 
> weighting 
> > of the rules and the pool of beleviable candidates will 
> take care that 
> > there is always at least one ok candidate for the next 
> value. The pool 
> > of beleviable candidates might be generated by means for a markov 
> > process, with a dynamic order, so that one can use e.g. 3rd 
> order for 
> > a fairly "tight" markov pool, but still fall back to 2nd, 
> 1st or even 
> > zeroeth order if the system finds that the criteria is too 
> tightly set 
> > to find viable candidates for the next value.
> >
> > Oeyvind
> >
> Sounds like a fascinating idea. I've noticed that some 
> algorithms for creating music are imitative of what a human 
> composer would do (would you say this describes yours?) and 
> some are purely mathematical (I think M. Gogins is more 
> interested in this type).
> Best,
> Mike
> -- 
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Date2006-02-12 23:38
From"Michael Mossey"
SubjectRe: Algorithmic composition - the simplest model

>>I.e., most music has counterpoint, melody, rhythm, dynamics,
>> harmony, articulartion, etc. What can we discard and still have music?
> Given that music is so driven by perception (some can interpret as music
> what others would call noise) I would think it is possible to discard
> all of those attributes.

Can you describe a piece that has none of these attributes? I'm interested.
