| Thanks, we better start reading the manual.
However, on OSX with JackOSX the csound client fails to
connect (I tried with 'Built-in Audio:in'). The name of the
client to connect seems correct, but it does not connect,
so the patchbay has to be used. This is probably a
of JackOSX rather than Csound5. I remember trying JackOSX
in the past and it was rather dodgy. Never looked as stable
as the
Linux version. It seems to have improved now in this latest
but the connection problem seems to be there.
Noticed as well that there is a module for sending audio
over the
network in it. With this, OSC (or Tclcsound), there are
possibilities for a 'GridCsound'... worth a try!
> On Sunday 12 February 2006 18:02, David Akbari wrote:
> > As far as connecting a Csound process to a specific Jack
> > port or process via the Csound commandline, I am not
> > sure of a way to do this. It seems like Qjackctl/jackd
> > like to decide where routing happens and to what.
> How about this ?
> "Connecting Csound to other JACK clients
> By default, no connections are made (you need to use
> jack_connect); however, the plugin can connect to ports
> specified as '-iadc:portname_prefix' or
> '-odac:portname_prefix'. portname_prefix is the full name
> of a port without a channel number, such as
> 'alsa_pcm:capture_' (for -i adc), or 'alsa_pcm:playback_'
> (for -o dac)."
> See also
> http://csounds.com/manual/html/using.html#csound5jack --
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