| Hi List -
I was wondering if someone could help me out in trying to understand
how to implement more musical things using the STK opcodes. At present
time I could not find any mention of these opcodes in the canonical
reference manual, both in the Mac OS 10.3 release .pkg / .framework as
well as the current CVS manual fresh checkout, or
Of course I understand they are supposed to be a "simple wrapper" but
still, syntaxically I am confused.
According to the sources the generic syntax is such that
aout STKName ifrequency igain {kcontroller0, kvalue1,...,kcontroller3,
followed by the text "See the STK class documentation to determine the
controller numbers used by each instrument."
So looking then at the STKBowed class it says
Control Change Numbers:
- Bow Pressure = 2
- Bow Position = 4
- Vibrato Frequency = 11
- Vibrato Gain = 1
- Volume = 128
so does that mean the correct Csound syntax for the STKBowed could be
aout STKBowed ifrequency, igain, 2, kbowpressure, 4, kbowposition, 11,
kvibfreq, 1, kvibgain
In other words, is the volume parameter is represented in Csound as
igain and the corresponding STK CC numbers translate to the
kcontrollerX parameters ?
Does it matter what order you put the kcontroller numbers in ?
Perhaps a simple manual entry should be added to clarify these ideas
for those individuals who do not know or care about the sources and if
they are downloading a release version they don't have access to the
sources anyway ...
Regardless, these opcodes seem like a great addition to the language
and I thank those in advance who would help me to better understand
this synthesis implementation and of course Perry Cook and the Csound
developers for making this versatile toolkit accessible through Csound.
-David |