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Re: csound32

Date2006-02-05 10:39
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: csound32
Any csound5 (floats or doubles) will output to 8,16,24,or
int precision, as well as floats (or doubles).

-3 for 24-bit
-l for 32-bit (long samples).



remmber that csound32 or csound64 has to do with the
representation of floating-point numbers (MYFLT) not the
output of int samples.

In addition you can specify the format to any of the formats
supported by libsndfile, with:



> Does it create higher precision files, ex. 24-bit or
> 32-bit .wav, or .aif?   What is the command line to do
> that?
> Thanks.
> --
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