Please Throw a Noobie a Bone
Date | 2006-02-02 19:05 |
From | Bob Bear |
Subject | Please Throw a Noobie a Bone |
Hi guys, Iv been using Winsound 4x for a while now, rendering basic sound processing orch / score files as wav's. But I wanted to experiment with the Loris opcodes so I got the new Csound 5 / VST installer. Had to install Python first but now I can open the Csound VST interface along with orc, sco and csd files. Please forgive my noobiness... How do I now render files? There is a Perform button, which clearly does something but Im not sure what. I need to name and render files like I can with Winsound. There doesnt appear to be a way to do this? I take it I am missing something crucial, lol. Obviously I checked the documentation, but there doesnt seem to be a complete CS 5 noob section ;) Would really appeciate any guidence. Thanks! Bob Bear
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