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Re: Windows installer for Csound5.rc2

Date2006-01-08 20:36
From"Michael Gogins"
SubjectRe: Windows installer for Csound5.rc2

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Marc Demers" 
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 12:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Csnd] Windows installer for Csound5.rc2

> Hi Mike, does your Windows installer for Csound5.rc2 runs with Python 
> 2.4.x
> ?
> marc
> p.s. I know, same old question....
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Michael Gogins" 
> To: ; 
> Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2006 11:02 PM
> Subject: [Csnd] Windows installer for Csound5.rc2
>> I have uploaded to SourceForge a new Windows installer for Csound 5,
> release
>> candidate 2, 64 bit samples.
>> The installer has the same programs and plugins and creates the same
>> directories as Istvan Varga's zip file.
>> The installer also includes CsoundVST as both a GUI front-end and a VST
>> plugin, tclcsound, csoundapi~, the VST opcodes, the Loris opcodes, the
> fluid
>> (SoundFont) opcodes, and API autodocs in addition to the complete HTML
>> manual.
>> This installer does not include sources.
>> There are probably rough edges. I haven't tested every feature, and the
>> documentation probably needs work. There is obviously a need for better
>> examples, although I have fixed up some of the Python examples to work
> with
>> the csnd package, or to work better than they used to. The LISP interface
>> needs to be extended to CLOS as well.
>> I also built a 32 bit version with full optimization, but it did not run
>> faster on my PC than the 64 bit version. I would appreciate some more
> advice
>> on how to build the fastest possible version of Csound5 for 32 bit 
>> samples
>> on Windows.
>> Please let me know of any bugs you find, or any suggestions you may have.
>> Regards,
>> Mike
>> -- 
>> Send bugs reports to this list.
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> -- 
> Send bugs reports to this list.
> To unsubscribe, send email to csound-unsubscribe@lists.bath.ac.uk

Date2006-01-09 10:19
FromOeyvind Brandtsegg
Subjectchn question
I'm currently experimenting with the chn opcodes,
I wanted to use these as a replacement for zak type channels,
but I realize I can not make them mix, only overwrite.
See the attached csd, when playing two simultaneous instances of instr 10, only one is heard.

I am unsure what opcodes to choose for making a general control and audio signal bus,
as there's many opcodes that might do it. The chn opcodes seems very nice, as they are named, and there's no need to worry about initializing channels (as one has to do with zak). 
But I also see some new mixer opcodes, as well as chani/chano, and the good old zak. 
The mixer opcodes do mix, but does not seem as easy to use as the chn opcodes.
Would it be possible to do mixing with chnset ? Possibly in a separate opcode (chnsetm ?, as with zawm), or by using an optional argument to chnset ?


Date2006-01-09 10:51
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: chn question
Why not combine chnget and chnset to mix signals. You can always
make a UDO that does exactly that.


At 10:19 09/01/2006, you wrote:
>I'm currently experimenting with the chn opcodes,
>I wanted to use these as a replacement for zak type channels,
>but I realize I can not make them mix, only overwrite.
>See the attached csd, when playing two simultaneous instances of instr 10, 
>only one is heard.
>I am unsure what opcodes to choose for making a general control and audio 
>signal bus,
>as there's many opcodes that might do it. The chn opcodes seems very nice, 
>as they are named, and there's no need to worry about initializing 
>channels (as one has to do with zak).
>But I also see some new mixer opcodes, as well as chani/chano, and the 
>good old zak.
>The mixer opcodes do mix, but does not seem as easy to use as the chn opcodes.
>Would it be possible to do mixing with chnset ? Possibly in a separate 
>opcode (chnsetm ?, as with zawm), or by using an optional argument to chnset ?

Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth 

Date2006-01-11 11:53
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: chn question

Date2006-01-11 15:59
Subject[Cs-dev] Re: [Csnd] chn question
Not apparently in the manual yet
==John ffitch
> The following opcodes have been added to the CVS sources, for use
> with audio output channels:
>     chnmix    asig, Schn
>     chnclear  Schn

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Date2006-01-15 19:36
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: chn question