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Re: Windows installer for Csound5.rc2

Date2006-01-08 05:23
From"Marc Demers"
SubjectRe: Windows installer for Csound5.rc2
Hi Mike, does your Windows installer for Csound5.rc2 runs with Python 2.4.x


p.s. I know, same old question....

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Gogins" 
To: ; 
Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2006 11:02 PM
Subject: [Csnd] Windows installer for Csound5.rc2

> I have uploaded to SourceForge a new Windows installer for Csound 5,
> candidate 2, 64 bit samples.
> The installer has the same programs and plugins and creates the same
> directories as Istvan Varga's zip file.
> The installer also includes CsoundVST as both a GUI front-end and a VST
> plugin, tclcsound, csoundapi~, the VST opcodes, the Loris opcodes, the
> (SoundFont) opcodes, and API autodocs in addition to the complete HTML
> manual.
> This installer does not include sources.
> There are probably rough edges. I haven't tested every feature, and the
> documentation probably needs work. There is obviously a need for better
> examples, although I have fixed up some of the Python examples to work
> the csnd package, or to work better than they used to. The LISP interface
> needs to be extended to CLOS as well.
> I also built a 32 bit version with full optimization, but it did not run
> faster on my PC than the 64 bit version. I would appreciate some more
> on how to build the fastest possible version of Csound5 for 32 bit samples
> on Windows.
> Please let me know of any bugs you find, or any suggestions you may have.
> Regards,
> Mike
> -- 
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