Thanks Aidan. I was thinking about a type of
synthesis more visible, in the orc/sco files, than physical modeling. But
this could be much complex. I got a record of vibraphone (will try also the vibe
opcode) and than I´m going to use the pvoc opcodes. This is a more pratical
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2005 8:24
Subject: Re: [Csnd] instrumental
It sounds like you would want to use the phase vocoder options
in Csound. I'm not sure if this is exactly what you were asking about,
but I know that you can use pvanal, I use MacCsound exclusively, so
my methods are fairly specific, but if you open a soundfile with MacCsound,
there is a pulldown menu where you can select "frequency analysis"
(pvanal) this gives you a data file that has the seperate frequencies
and their relative amplitude. I have used the pvread opcode then to get
information about a single frequency bin from this file, which could be used
as a control signal, perhaps the amplitude of the output of a bandpass filter
on a different signal, or resynthesized with a bank of oscil 's
Cook's book "Real sound synthesis for interactive applications" has some good
information on physical modeling of vibraphone and other struck
On 12/24/05, marcelo <mcond@terra.com.br> wrote:
Hi. Hope all of you are fine. My question is
about instrumentral spectrum in csound. Is possible to build, perhaps in
gen10, some instrumental spectrum, apart the amp env wich should be
made in orc file. I know there is many physical model opcodes to do this,
but all is based in real play, then we have options like hardness of the
strike, where the block is hit... But my intention is to see every partial
of some spectra and handing it do the sound that i want. My first
interest is the vibraphone. Is there any work in this tread? Sites,
papers, ... about this will be wellcome. Thanks a